Chapter 50: Don't doubt my feelings, Kla

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Proofread by Jung Woomin


The next day, Type and Champ had made a plan on how to tell P'Chao about the relationship between Techno and Kengkla and they decided to come at the time they were agreed on. Then the two people will come in an hour after the specified time. Techno agrees with the plans of his two best friends.

After college, Kengkla picked up Techno on campus as usual. Even though Kengkla was still wearing a school uniform, his existence was enough to attract the attention of everyone who passed him. A handsome man standing next to a luxury car, who could keep his/her head from turning his way?

When Kengkla saw Techno's arrival, his bright smile immediately expanded. If this were an anime, Kengkla's bright smile would be enough to blind anyone who saw it. Techno who always sees Kengkla just smiling almost blinded as well and without realizing it, Techno fell in love again with the handsome junior.

"Long wait, Kla?," he asked when he arrived in front of Kengkla.

"No, Phi. Kla just arrived," he replied even though Kengkla had been waiting for 1 hour.

Without much talk, Techno went straight to the passenger seat. But when he failed to open the door because Kengkla had opened it for him.

"Kengkla ......" he said weakly. Techno was still not used to being treated like that. But when he saw Kengkla's smile, he knew that there was no point in debating this matter. So, Techno went straight in and sat in the luxury car of his lover.

"Phi, can we go to my apartment, huh? Kla miss you ......" he persuaded.

They both knew that they couldn't do lovey dovey acts at Techno's house. They were afraid if somehow they do something and getting caught by Techno's parents. Techno was not ready to tell his parents about their relationship. So when they want to do couple's thing, they always went to Kengkla's apartment. Techno came there and stayed countless times. No need to imagine what they did there.

When they arrived at the apartment, Kengkla immediately took his Phi's favorite mango juice.

"Drink it first, Phi," he said as he handed over the mango juice.

Techno immediately drank half, leaving a half bottle for Kengkla. Kengkla's obsession has increased since they're started officially dating. He really likes to drink the rest of Techno's drinks. He said, it was an indirect kiss. So every time Techno drinks something, he always left half for Kengkla. (A/N : I know that sound creepy .... LOL)

After he finished drinking, Kengkla did his favorite position when he was alone with Techno. He hugged Techno's slim waist and leaned his head on Techno's chest. Techno put his right hand behind Kengkla's body. Sometimes he caresses Kengkla's smooth hair or just gently rubs Kengkla's back. They could stay in that position for a few hours, even without talking. Just by feeling the presence of their partner, they could feel more comfort than they've ever imagined.

"Phi ......" Kengkla finally opened his mouth.

"Hmmm ....."

"You haven't answered my question from yesterday. Why don't you want to move here? You can reason to your parents that you'd live in a dormitory or live with friends. Do you not want to spend more time with me, Phi?"

Techno let go of his arms and forced Kengkla to look at him.

"Phi also wants to be with you, Kla. But that's not how we do it. Now, we still have responsibilities as a child and student. If Phi lives here, Phi is not sure if we can control ourselves. Phi is afraid if we would both be preoccupied and forget our obligations. Soon it will be our graduation. You plan to go to medical school right? We both know that it's not easy. Phi hopes, Kla understands Phi's reasons."

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