Chapter 40: The Attack Begins

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Proofread by Jung Woomin


"They have started to act blatantly, Sir."

The master didn't say anything, just waved his hand, indicating that his men should leave him alone.

"They've dared to acted that blantantly? These boys must be warned," he said as he squeezed a photo of Tin kissing Can's head and their photo holding hands.



"Baby, next week I need to go to Germany for about a week, but it's not certain either. It could be faster, but it could also take longer than a week" Tin said when they arrived in front of Can's house.

"What business is there?," Can asked.

"There are German companies who are interested in my company's products and they asked us to do the presentations there. I think it's better if I do the presentation by myself."

"Wow, is my boyfriend that great?????," said Can, amazed.

"I've been doing it since high school. This is not something that is worthy to boast. Even my family never considered what I was doing as something worth to talking about." Tin said softly.

"Were you proud of what you have achieved?"

"Of course."

"Was the purpose of your achievement to get recognition from your family?"

"I don't know, Can. Initially yes, but after time passed, I don't think too much about it."

"So, don't think about it. Do your best as usual. Do it for yourself. And if I can behave a little selfishly, do it for my sake too. So I can feel proud and act arrogantly to have an amazing boyfriend like you" said Can while smiling sweetly.

"Baby, you make me fall in love again and again," Tin said, hugging Can.

"I'll do it for me, for you, for us. Pray for me, Cannie."

Can answered with a nod and tightened his hug.



After that day, Tin and Can was inseparable. Although the distance between their faculty was quite far, it did not decrease Tin's intention to always take and pick up his little monkey from his house to his campus or to the soccer field, vice versa. He is even willing to wait for Can's practice almost every day. Sometimes Tin left Can because something had to be done in his office, then returned to pick him up. Tin doesn't allow Can to go home alone or with his friends.

Can didn't mind though. Is it wrong to treated, be waited for, or be picked up by your own boyfriend? Although Can never did it for Tin, Tin never protested. He always said, "It's my job as your husband, Cannie." At first, Can protested because he did not like being treated like a woman who was spoiled by his lover, but over time, he gave up and let Tin do what he wanted.

They were too dissolved with their happiness and togetherness that they did not realize that someone has been lurking on them for the past few days. The scout reported the results of his surveillance at all times to the boss, but the boss did nothing, as if waiting for the right time to drop a bomb.

Until the day Tin went to Germany. Tin did not allow Can to take him to the airport. He was afraid that Can's presence would make him cancel his intention to Germany. After all, Can is also busy with college and soccer practice. They promised to always send each other news and make video calls when they had time, so there was nothing to worry about.

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