Chapter 59 : Tin's birthday

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Sunday, 7 a.m.

Tin used to get up early even on holidays. The first thing he does is check his phone and send a good morning message to his boyfriend and usually Can will reply when he wakes up later. On holidays, usually Can gets up at 8 in the morning because he wants to play soccer and spend the rest of the weekend with Tin. After sending a message, Tin immediately took a shower and prepared breakfast for himself.

Tin finished bathing and ate at 8.15, he checked his phone but the message had not been read by Can. Maybe he hasn't woken up yet, he thought. Finally Tin busied himself with reading novels that he had not yet been able to complete.

Usually Tin is always focused when reading novels but this time he checks his phone and clock many times. It's 9 o'clock but there hasn't been a reply from Can at all. He doesn't usually wake up this late on a Sunday. Tin never called Can in the morning before Can returned his message for fear of interrupting if Can was still sleeping. But this time Tin ventured because he was worried if something happened to Can.

Can's phone is not active? Usually he never turns off his phone.

Tin called many times but still not connected, making Tin anxious. After several times the phone was disconnected, Tin immediately changed clothes and decided to go to Can's house. If his mother is still at home, all he has to say is that he is Can's friend.

Right when Tin was picking up his wallet, the doorbell of his apartment rang. He immediately rushed to open the door. When he peeked through the hole in the door, it turned out that Can was standing behind the door. Tin's smile immediately expanded and immediately opened the door.

"Cccccaaaannnnnn you where are you ......"

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday Dear Tin ........"

Can hid the cake behind the wall so that Tin couldn't see it earlier and right when Tin opened the door, Can immediately offered a small cake and sang a happy birthday song.

Tin doesn't even remember that today is his birthday. His eyes getting moist at Can who was singing a birthday song for him with a small cake and a small candle on it.

"Make a wish and blow out the candle, Tin," he said as he offered the small cake.

Tin immediately closed his eyes and cupped his hands while praying, and immediately blew out the candle when finished. Cake, candles, Can presence and Can's smile. This is the perfect thing to start the day, Tin thought.

"You're not going to ask me to come in?," Can asked

"Oh sorry, baby. Come in," Tin said as he invited Can in.

"Help me carry the plastic, Tin," pleaded Can.

Besides cake, Can brought 1 backpack and 1 large plastic bag, who knows what they were.

"Please wrap the plastic, Tin. I brought food made by my mom. I hope you like home-cooked food."

"Cooked by your mom's? How can? She's not suspicious?" Tin asked as he sat on the sofa and pulled out the large plastic contents.

"You know how big my appetite is, so my mom always cooks in large portions. And last night ......."

"Last night?".

"Last night I asked Mom to make a little more than usual because I wanted to give it to you."

"What reason did you give your mother? There's no way you said that this is for your boyfriend hehehe ....."

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