Chapter 24 : Siam Mall (2)

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Proofread : yboocs


"No need. Thank you," cut Can and immediately passed from the shop.

"Can ... Can ... Wait ... Why did you leave? The shop clerk will find your size first," Tin said when he managed to catch up to Can.

Can didn't care about Tin's words. He was very angry at Tin. But Can knows enough not to make a scene in this place. Can walk to the restroom in the cubicle which is quite, knowing that Tin would definitely follow him.

Tin continued to persuade Can to return to the store, not realizing that the albino monkey that was with him had turned into a red-faced monkey.

Arriving at the toilet, Can confirmed that the toilet was completely empty. After being certain, he stood straight in front of Tin, still with his angry face. Tin, who just realized Can's face changes, was silent at once. He tried to think hard about what made his lover this angry, but failed.

"What happened, Can?" Tin asked worriedly.

"What happened you say ???? You still don't know your mistake ?? !!!

Confused and surprised Tin become even more confused. As far as Tin remember, Can only get this angry two time's. When he hit him on the field and when ......... (Tin remembers the incident when he gave a present to Can's mother & sister).

"Oh My Goodness !!!! Can ...... sorry. I didn't mean to look down on you. I just ..."

"Tin Methanan, I obviously said that I want to buy a shoes, not asking you to buy me a shoes. I've saved for 3 months to buy a shoes. Yes, I admit, I preferred the red one. But the money I save is not enough But I don't think it's a problem because the green one was also good. The important thing is that it's equally comfortable to use when on the field, then you lightly want to buy that expensive red shoes. I know, that money is meaningless for you. But I also have my pride, Tin. You can't do it to me. "

"Can ... I'm really sorry. I really didn't mean it like that. I really forget what happened before, so I repeated the same mistake. The one on my mind just wanted to please you. Since I know you that you like the red one, so I want to buy that shoes for you, so you'll be happy. I'm sorry, Can. Really, I really didn't mean that. "

Tin was really scared because this time Can looks much more angrier than at that time. Just now their relationship improved, now it's even more chaotic because of his stupidity.

Can didn't answer anything. He was really angry. Only a few days ago they talked about Can's turmoil, about their differences and now Tin seemed to show a gap that had almost disappeared. Can once again feel inappropriate for Tin. What Tin did earlier hurt his heart and pride. Can didn't answer anything. He immediately passed and left Tin.

Tin froze to see Can's small back that was getting away. He wanted to run and hug Can, but he knew that it would only make Can more angrier. Tin runs after Can and walked right behind him, giving him a little distance.

Can thought that Tin must have left already. But he was surprised when he came out of a shoe store, Tin was standing right in front of the shop door, waiting for him. Seeing Tin's face, it seems like he still feels guilty to Can.

Can still angry, but seeing Tin's attitude, he didn't have the heart to continue his anger toward Tin. He knew, Tin didn't mean to hurt him, but Can also couldn't lie that he was hurt.

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