Chapter 45: TinCan's misunderstanding

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Note: In this chapter, I wrote that Canada is in USA, but it's not. Canada is a different country from USA. After reading the commentary that correcting me, but because I was too lazy to edit, so let  just think that Canada is in USA. Sorry because I didn't check first ...

Edited: 04.06.2020

"Phi Tin? " came a voice that sounded uncertain from behind Can's back as Tin picked him up on campus

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"Phi Tin? " came a voice that sounded uncertain from behind Can's back as Tin picked him up on campus.

"Ai Frank??" Tin asked in uncertainty.

"Eh, you know each other? " asked Can with confusion.

"He was my junior and a basketball team colleague in high school," Tin answered.

"Your high school junior? Didn't you say you went to school in Canada?"

"Yes," answered Tin.

"But Ai Frank said, he went to school in America?"

"Phi, Canada is in America," Frank answered, welcomed by Tin's small laugh.

"Since when?" asked Can with a confused face.

"Since Pharaoh liked Kpop, Can ... Hahahahahaha ......"

"Who is Pharaoh, Tin?"

"Gosh Phi Can, is there really no history lesson at your school?" Frank asked in amazement.

"It seems like there is. Though usually I sleep or eat during lessons that I don't like," Can answered innocently.

"Besides history lessons, what other lessons do you not like, Phi?" Frank asked.

"Wrong question, Ai Frank. You should ask, what lesson he likes. Because he only likes sports. Besides that, he hates it, right, Can?"

"Yeah, Tin is right. I hate all lessons. Boring. Makes me sleepy and hungry."

"Then, why are you going to school? Why don't you join the football club only. So you didn't need to learn anything other than football."

"Ai Frank, my parents can throw my name from the Family Card. They don't really care if I get bad grades at school, as long as I don't cause trouble at school. The school grades have been delegated to my sister."

"Wow, your parents are so cool, Phi."

"Of course. Can't you see how cool I am, nong?"

"Ah ... okay ... Hehehe ..." Frank said as he glanced at Tin who laughed a little.

"What are you laughing at? Surely, you're laughing at me right?" Can grunted.

"No Phi, no ... hahahaha ... P'Tin, your friend is very funny. He is really a nice person. No wonder you love to stay in Thailand hahahahaha ....."

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