Chapter 38 : YOU ARE MINE, PHI (1)

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Proofread by KartikaPangestu


"Phi, may I have the bill, please?" Tin asked the cashier.

"Eh, you will to pay for our meals, Tin ?," asked Can.

"Yes," he answered shortly.

"Why? Usually you aren't this generous?," Can asked suspiciously.

"Don't think about things, Cannie. I treat all of you because I'm happy," Tin said, pinching Can's two buns.

"Happy? Why?" Can asked innocently.

"Because you introduce me as your boyfriend to your friends" Tin said as he kissed Can's head.

The cashier looked slightly surprised regretting why this handsome guy had a boyfriend. In addition, the boyfriend was a very cute boy.

"Do you want to go home or you have somewhere to go after this, Cannie?"

" I want to watch a horror movie."

"Okay, come on."

Tin took Can's hand casually casually without caring about the stares of the people around them. Can also ignore it. He had admitted Tin as his boyfriend so he thought that holding his lover hand was not a strange thing.

They went straight to the cinema on the 4th floor of the mall. Can's left hand was in Tin's grip and his right hand was busy holding his cellphone to watch a soccer match that he missed. This time Tin let him because Can already gave him happiness that day.

When he was in the cinema, Tin was not at all interested in the movie being played. He sat down on started to touched Can here and there. His eyes also never left Can's face. Can, who was seriously watching the movie, didn't care of Tin's behavior.

After they finished watching the movie, they went straight to the parking lot to go home. They did not realize that there were eyes watching them since their arrival at the mall this afternoon.



"Phi, may Kla kiss Phi ?," I asked, looking into his eyes.

"Hhmmm," he answered, closing his eyes.

Kla softly kissed Techno's lips. The kiss that was initially warm and devoid of appetite, gradually turned hot. Kengkla bit and then sucked Techno's thick lower lip. Both of them were catching breath. Techno also started to get hot and aroused to reply to the kiss of his little lover. Kengkla got up and sat on Techno's lap without releasing his lips. Kengkla started playing his tongue on Techno's lips as if it was asking for an entrance to Techno's mouth. Techno who had also been provoked, opened his mouth slowly. In Techno lifetime, Kengkla was the only person who ever been kissed him. That was why Techno's kiss felt very innocent and careless. Realizing that Techno had no experience in kissing, it made Kengkla even crazier.

Their tongues wrestled in their mouths which were increasingly hot. They no longer cared about the saliva dripping on their chin. Kengkla's hand pulled Techno's neck and tilted it to get better access to the kiss. Techo's hand that was on Kengkla's waist began groping into Kengkla's shirt, rubbing his back. Kengkla's mind was increasingly chaotic when he felt the touch of his lover's fingers. This was the first time his lover touched him consciously.

Kengkla pulled his face, giving time for the two to breathe and looked in the face in front of him in amazement.

"Phi No, do you realize how beautiful you are?"

You Are Mine - TinCan KlaNo Story (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now