Chapter 30: The Noose Tightens

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'Welcome to The Sisters of Quiet Mercy, Home for Troubled Youth where a certain Cheryl Blossom finds herself more troubled than usual... with nary a thing to look forward to expect for movie nights during which time, Cheryl would imagine what her friends might be doing. As Cheryl Blossom weathered her friends were sparring off on the most public of stages.'

It was the day of the school election. Dallas and Anna went. Neither did it for their sibling though. They did it for Jughead.

At school Jughead told them he and Betty were going to run together. Betty not wanting to run with Veronica cause of her lying.

Now Dallas and Anna were at the election. Anna was sitting with her parents as Dallas sat with Sweet Pea and Fangs.

"Okay, now just a quick reminder, that this school hall is a PTA sponsored event. Oh, looks like we have our first question." Alice said.

"Yeah, no offense to the, uh, current administration, but if it doesn't feel like anyone's looking out for the students who are being bussed in from the Southside. Is that gonna change?" Sweet Pea asked standing up.

"Absolutely, Sweet Pea, that's our priority. And no one should feel marginalized or excluded here." Jughead said.

"Jughead and I will be representing all the students, North and Southside alike." Betty tells Sweet Pea in the audience.

"Next question." Alice said as Midge stood up. "Yes, Midge?"

"My question is for Archie and Veronica." Midge looks towards the two. "Rumor has it that your parents will soon be on opposite sides of the mayoral election, won't that negatively affect your working relationship?"

"Archie and I adhere to the old maxim that 'politics will never discussed' at the dinner table or the cafeteria table." The audience laughed at what Veronica said.

"Veronica and I are on the same page about everything including her family's plans for a prison on the Southside." Archie said.

This made Anna snicker at Archie's dumbness. Dallas rolled his eyes at his sisters look of disbelief. 'She has to know he'd say something stupid.'

"In the meantime however we are committed to improving the quality of life at Riverdale High, which means more extracurriculars-" Veronica was cut off by Josie.

"Reggie and I agree. Except, add to the fact that we can and will deliver results." Josie tells the audience.

Reggie held up his mic speaking, "And we're chill, unlike these guys." The audience then laughed at that. All the other contenders gave a look of disbelief at that statement.

Everyone then started to vacate the area since it was over. Anna and her parents meet up with Archie just as Veronica's meet up with her.

Not even a second sooner Dallas walked over to the group. He stood by Anna as it was silence between the group before Hiram started talking.

"Mary, Fred, all of Riverdale is buzzing about your decision to run against my wife for mayor." Hiram said.

"I lived here my whole life, never went to New York, never went to prison." Fred calmly said. " There's no one more qualified than me."

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