Chapter 22: Silent Night, Deadly Night

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(Gifts Anna got people ^)

'Used to be, in ye olden days, every December, a Lord of Misrule presided over the winter holidays, called back then, the Feast of Fools. So Christmas was happening, even though this year Lord of Misrule was none other than the Black Hood.'

Annabelle Andrews is a Christmas lover. She loves giving and getting presents. She loves hanging out with the people she loves. Although this Christmas there's going to be a little strain on the Andrews family.

In the morning Anna stood in front of Archie's door. Seeing her Archie asked, "What?"

"What do you want for Christmas?" Anna asked with a smile.

"You don't need to get me anything Anna." Archie tells his sister as both of them walk downstairs.

"Hey, Dad what is that? A letter from the Black Hood?" Archie asked as him and Anna came downstairs.

"No, it's worse." Fred said holding up papers. "Riverdale General. My hospital bill."

"How much is it for?" Anna asked her father with squinted eyes.

"86,000." Fred tells his kids before Archie interrupted.

"What, dollars?" Archie said shocked. Anna had a shocked face to. "That can't be right, can it? Or doesn't your insurance--"

"They probably made a mistake. I'll call them tomorrow." Fred told Archie and Anna walking out of the room.

"This isn't good, Arch." Anna tells her brother starting to stress. "We're barely getting by for goodness sake's. I mean Dad's selling Christmas trees. What do you think that hospital bills gonna do to us?"

"Ann!" Archie said putting his hands on Anna's shoulders. "We're going to be fine. We'll figure all this out."

"I hope so." Anna tells Archie. Archie then goes to the secret Santa thing Kevin's holding while Anna waits for Dallas to pick her up.

Dallas Lodge is a Christmas lover too. He loves hanging out with his family and crime family. He loved eating the cookie dough that his mom and Veronica made.

Dallas walked into the kitchen grabbing a handful of pretzels. He then went to his Jeep to pick up Anna.

Anna grabbed the Toys for Tots presents walking out to Dallas' Jeep. Anna then put the presents in the back.

"So where we headed?" Dallas asked Anna with a smile. "What's with all the presents?"

"They're for Toys for Tots. Toni texted me about it a couple days ago." Anna tells Dallas. "There doing it today at the White Wyrm."

"What! I would of bought them presents if I known." Dallas said before he started driving to the White Wyrm.

"I know you would. I just kind of forgot to tell you." Anna tells Dallas.

Dallas looks at Anna for a couple seconds before saying, "What's on your mind? You look stressed."

"It's nothing. You don't need to worry about it." Anna told Dallas letting out a stressful sigh.

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