Chapter 10: The Lost Weekend

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'Weekdays, from 8:25 AM to 3:01 PM, we adhere to a strict regimen. Everything in our lives is controlled. But something like the murder of Jason Blossom happens, and you realize there is no such thing as control. There is only chaos. Nonetheless, some of us strive to impose and maintain order in what is, fundamentally, and order less world. A fact which would very soon be confirmed in ways none of us could have foreseen.'

Annabelle was in her room watching The Vampire Diaries went her father came in.

"I'm heading out. You want to give me a hand?" Fred asked his daughter. Anna nodded following her father downstairs where Archie was waiting.

Outside Fred starts talking to his kids. "The good news is that all these divorce papers and legal mumbo-jumbo will be done. Should be behind us by the end of the week."

"Are you only going to see mom now because you and Hermione Lodge..." Archie asked as Fred cut him off.

"No. No, son, I ended that. Being together, working together, not a good idea." Fred tells his kids.

"In that case, then, why finalize things in such a final way, now?" Archie asked.

"Sometimes, son, you just got a rip the Band-Aid off." Fred tell Archie

"Or you can try and fix things." Annabelle said for the first time.

"We're past that point, honey." Fred tells his daughter with a sad smile.

"I spoke to Mom last week, she didn't mention any of this, Dad. Your mom moved out two years ago." Archie tells his father.

"She didn't tell you because she wanted me to be the bearer of bad news." Fred tells his son walking towards his truck.

"What if we came with you?" Annabelle asked her father as Archie nodded in agreement.

"This is between me and your mom." Fred tells the two softly. "I'll check in." With that he walk away.

At the Lodges, Dallas was sitting with his mom and Mr. Sowerberry at the kitchen table.

"What's going on?" Veronica asked coming into the room.

"Veronica, this is Paul Sowerberry, your father's attorney. He's here to prep us for our statements and help at your dads hearing." Hermione Lodge tells her daughter.

"Except, I told you, Mom, I'm not giving one. Not when you'd. want."Veronica said walking away as her mother stopped her.

"Just...." Hermione tells her daughter as Paul intervenes.

"You won't be asked any questions about your father's business arrangements. We just need you, your brother, and your mother to speak to his character. It'll humanize him. Which could mean a lesser sentence. If you don't make a statement, well, it's problematic and damaging." Paul tells the oldest Lodge twin.

"I've already told her all this." Hermione tells Paul.

"Well, dad made his bed. And I'm late for school." Veronica tells the two as she started to walk away.

Dallas give his mother kiss on the cheek before following his sister out.

That day at school Archie, Betty, Veronica, Annabelle, and Dallas were in the student lounge.

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