Chapter 11: To Riverdale and Back Again

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'People like to say that the death of Jason Blossom changed everything at Riverdale High. But certain things, certain traditions never change. Take homecoming, for instants. Though Jason's jersey had been retired, The Riverdale Bulldogs would still be playing their arch-rivals, the Baxter High Ravens, with the River Vixens cheering them on. As in previous years, graduates from days of Riverdale past will come to town to relive their more youthful, more carefree days. Or to make up for lost time.'

The Andrews twins were sitting at the dining room table with their mother, eat food. Each twin on one side of her.

"Archie, Anna, the reason why I came..." Mary said before Archie cut her off.

"You came because of the divorce. Because I call dad." Archie tells his mother.

"You know, I thought that Riverdale would be better for you two than Chicago. It'd be safer...."Marie said before she got cut off by her son again.

"It's okay, Mom. Really. We're okay. And I mean, it hasn't been all bad. My friends are amazing. Dad and I are closer than ever right now. And also...."Archie tells his mother.

"You've been singing."Mary tells her son excitedly.

"Songwriting, yeah. And singing.

"And your dad tells me that you're great." Mary tells Archie before turning towards her daughter. "And that you sang at the talent show. I hope you two will play me some songs before I go."

"Yeah, for sure." "Definitely" Archie and Anna say at the same time.

"I am playing at the dance. So, if you want to see me play live..." Archie tells his mother as she nods a yes.

Dallas was siting in the living room listening to her mother talk to his dad's attorney.

"That's incredible, Paul. You will keep us posted, won't you?"Hermione said as she entered the call.

"Some good news for a change?" Veronica asked her mom.

"That was your dad's attorney. Turns out, our statements did make a difference and the judge seems like he's gonna gave your father a break." Hermione tells her kids.

"How much of a break?" Dallas asked his mom walking over to the two.

"Time served. A few more months, if that." Hermione tells the two happy about her husband.

"Then what? We move back to New York?" Veronica asks not really wanting to move away from Riverdale.

"Or your father moves here." Hermione tells her kids.

"What about the crimes he committed? Including, maybe, Jason Blossom." Veronica tells her mother.

"Stop it, Veronica. There is no proof that your father had anything to do with that."Hermione tells her daughter.

"He's in jail because of the Blossoms, Mom, that gives him a motive."Veronica tells her mother.

"Okay! Veronica, you need to be supporting your father, not demonizing him. Again, for things that you have no proof of." Hermione tells her daughter.

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