Chapter 15: Nighthawks

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'Behold, Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe. For decades, the heart of Riverdale. Now, the latest casualty in the towns ongoing battle against darkness.'

At the Andrews residence Anna and Archie were making there dad breakfast. Well, Anna was making breakfast; Archie was making a mess.

"No, no, no, no."Archie said taking the burnt toast out of the toaster.

"Do we need a fire extinguisher?" Fred asked walking into the room.

"What are you doing up? I was going to bring you breakfast." Archie said making Anna hit him over the head. "Ow! I mean we were going to bring you breakfast."

"I appreciate it. But I got to get moving around sometime." Fred said as Archie drink an energy drink. "Little early for that, isn't it?"

"No, I'm good. Dad, the only thing you need to be wearing about is getting better."Archie tells his father as his phone goes off. "Crap. I gotta take this. I gotta go. Bye."

Anna growled under her breath yelling up to her brother, "I'm not cleaning up your mess!"

Anna turned her dad. "How are you feeling? Does anything hurt?"

"I'm fine, honey. You should get ready for school. I'll clean this up." Fred told his daughter making her shake her head.

"You're still recovering Dad. I'll clean up." Anna said. She put scrambled eggs on a plate with bacon handing them to her dad. "Go eat. I'll clean."

Fred kissed his daughter's cheek going into the living room to eat. Anna starts cleaning up when she sees Archie ready to go out the door.

"Archibald Andrews!" Anna yelled making him freeze looking over at her. "I'm not your mother you clean up your mess."

Archie sighed putting his backpack down going to help his sister clean up the kitchen. Anna then got dressed as Archie leaves for school.

At the Lodges, both Veronica and Dallas were walking out the door as.

"TTFN, Smithers."Veronica said walking by him as he tries to stop the twins.

"Oh, wait, Ms. and Mr. You might want to take the side exit." Smithers thousand two.

"Why?" Veronica asked as their father came in making Smithers back away.

"Yeah, why, Smithers? Because they might bump into me coming in from an early run?" Hiram asked.

"Good morning, father." Veronica said as Dallas sighed starting to walk past his father seeing that he was occupied with sister.

Dallas walked to school to see Anna by the front entrance. The two walk to a lunch table. A few minutes later Jughead, Betty, Archie, and Veronica come sit with them.

"It's another win for the bad guys. No one was there. His entire staff quit. He says he's not sure how long he'll be able to keep the doors open, maybe not even a week." Jughead tells the group dejectedly.

"It's because of what happened to our dad."Archie said pointing to him and Anna. "People are freaking out. And I'm going to be honest, guys, I don't see myself going back there anytime soon."

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