Chapter 17: The Town That Dreaded Sundown

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'Everyone's afraid to say it, so let me be the first. There is a serial killer amongst us. San Francisco had the Zodiac. New Orleans had the Axman. Texarkana, Texas, had the Phantom Killer. The list goes on and on. Add to their ranks Riverdale's very own psychopath, the Black Hood. There it was. Terror was seeping into the bedrock of Riverdale... A Town Hall Meeting had been set by Mayor McCoy. People were afraid to walk the streets alone, especially as dusk approached. Shops closed early, locks were added to doors, suspicions between the North and Southside deepened, fanned into flames by Alice Cooper... As everyone wondered what danger lurked in the dar, when would we hear from the Black Hood next, and how far into darkness would Archie go on his quest to avenge his father..... And to stop the Black Hood?'

"To be honest, I had no idea what Archie was thinking..." Veronica tells her parents who are badgering her with questions as Dallas watched texting Anna.

"He didn't say anything to you about this video?" Hermione asks her daughter.

"Am I my boyfriend's keeper?" Veronica asks her mother.

"Basta, Mija, this isn't something you should be joking about," Hermione tells her daughter.

"It's a video, mom--" Veronica tells her mom.

"Yes, threatening violence," Hermione tells her daughter.

"Daddy, can you please tell mom she's overreacting? Dallas?" Veronica asked the two who were standing there saying nothing.

"On this matter, Veronica, I stand with your mother," Hiram told her daughter.

"I don't think you wanna hear what I have to say," Dallas tells his sister as he looks up from his phone.

"Which means you're done dating Archie Andrews or hanging out with Anna," Hermione tells her son and daughter.

"This isn't Amish country, mom, I can date whoever I want to date. And I'm not jumping to any conclusions until I hear Archie side of the story." Veronica said walking out of the room.

"This is dad's fault," Dallas said making his parents look over at him. "So I am going to hang out Anna." He said still sitting at the table.

"What are you smiling about?" Hermione asks her husband.

"The Black Hood, the Red Circle, the Town Hall Meeting, so much chaos, and confusion," Hiram said. Dallas shook his head.

"Since I know that you convinced Archie to make that video I want my Jeep sooner then you said," Dallas said standing up. "If you'll excuse me I have to go pick up Belle."

As that happened the Lodges, the Andrew garage was filled with raised voices of the Andrew twins.

"How could you put that video up?!" Annabelle yelled at her brother.

"I was angry!" Archie yelled back. "He is out there killing people I love."

"He's not after you, Archibald, but now with this fucking video up, he could be," Anna yelled pacing. "You are risking your life because you want revenge for what he did to dad. If dad wanted revenge he would've done it himself! Now you're in danger."

"I don't understand why you're so angry about this! It was my choice to put the video up. And if he comes after me I'm ready." Archie tells his sister.

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