Chapter 3: Body Double

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'Guilt, innocence. Good, evil. Life, death. As the shadows around Riverdale deepened, the lines that separated these polar opposites blurred and distorted. "I'm guilty," Cheryl said in Biology class. But of what. And how would the red-head girl with a feisty attitude prove Cheryl's innocence?'

Anna burst into the principals office as the sheriff and the principal started to yell at her. She closed the door behind her siting with Cheryl.

"Miss.And---" principal Weatherbee started but Cheryl interrupted.

"Let her stay." Cheryl said sternly before continuing, "To clarify, I didn't mean I was guilty of killing Jason. I love him more than I do myself. But I am guilty of lying about what happened on July 4th."

"The autopsy put his death around July 11th. When was the last time you saw your brother?" Sheriff Keller asked.

"It was July 4th. I don't what know what happened the week after that, but..." Cheryl said trailing off.

"Cheryl, in your own words, what happened at Sweetwater River?" Sheriff Keller asked as Anna rolled her eyes.

"The plan was bananas, even for me. Jason wanted to leave Riverdale and never come back. He asked for my help to stage a tragic accident, so that our mom and dad won't come after him. Our story would be we went on a early morning boat ride. Jason died and drowned. In fact, we made it to the other side of the river dry as bones. We said goodbye on the Greendale side of Sweetwater River. He promised he would call me a soon as he was in a place where he couldn't be reached or pulled back by our parents. One month, at the most. Every day, I waited for him to call, for an email." Cheryl said as she glanced over a Anna at times.

"You tell anyone about the plan? Anyway that you can corroborate it? And you have no idea why your brother wanted to run away, fake his own death?" Sheriff Keller asks suspicious. "Doesn't that seem cruel?"

Annabelle formed fist with her hands as Cheryl spoke, "No, he wasn't...... Jason wasn't cruel."

"So maybe this is all a web of lies your spinning to cover your own tracks." Sheriff Keller said as Annabelle would put, rudely.

"I didn't kill Jason!" Cheryl spoke forcibly grabbing Annabel's hand holding it tightly. "There was a gunshot that morning. We heard the shot on July 4th. Maybe whoever killed Jason took a shot at him and missed that morning."

"You heard a gunshot, and you're just telling us this now?" Sheriff Keller told her. Annabelle hand was in a fist.

"I was upset. My brother was murdered." Cheryl said as Annabelle was getting sick a tried of hearing the older Kellers annoying voice.

"So upset that you sang and danced at a pep rally yesterday." Sheriff Keller said as Cheryl's parent came into the room.

Angry Cheryl's parents took her out or the room. Also angry Anna stood up shutting the door.

"First off don't talk to Cheryl like that." Annabelle said pissed off. Both the sheriff and principle looked surprised.

"Excuse me." The sheriff said before Anna cut him off.

"I'm not finished." Anna said glaring at the men. "I can back up alllllllllllll of Cheryl's story. What she said was true. Jason came to me with the idea of running away. He wanted my advice. I told him that he should talk to his sister about it. Also he wanted to get away from his parents they may be nice upfront but behind closed doors, they are the spons of Satan. There's another reason why Jason wanted to leave but I'm gonna let the police figure out that one." Annabelle said as The sheriff was going to talk. She put her pointer finger up shaking it side from side making a not yet sign. "Also Cheryl wouldn't killer her brother, she loved more the life its self. And no I didn't kill him either. He was the love of my life. Also I was not there when the went through with the plan. I was with Jughead Jones on a camping trip. I'm done talking for now." With that she walked out leaving the two men shocked.

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