Chapter 28

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Laura's POV

December 9th...

It had been a couple of weeks and it was finally December. My favorite time of year, Everyone was usually happy and the city would be filled with Christmas lights and snow. People would drink hot chocolate with extra marshmallows, cozy by the campfire. 

Although I was stuck in the hospital It felt very much like Christmas already. Harry bought a small miniature tree and we decorated it one night together. My treatments were going surprisingly well and I had moved up to the 6th spot for a new heart. Sarah told me Harry was fighting for me getting a new heart and I felt so grateful. He visited me any moment he got the chance and we have become very close. 

We secretly kissed in the late hours of the night when he was feeling needy or when we were having a hard day. I don't exactly know are status but all I knew was I was falling hard for him. 

It was currently Monday and I haven't seen Harry today because December is the busy season. Sarah was busy too, so most of my morning was filled with flipping through random channels and writing. 

When noon came around Harry stopped by on his lunch break. He ate with me while talking about his crazy morning filled with Heart attacks and crazy car crashes. before his lunch was even over he was paged and he apologized before running out. I closed his food so it wouldn't get spoiled. He was kind enough to buy me food whenever he did, claiming the hospital food was 'shit'

By the time he returned the sun had gone down and his food was beyond cold. He didn't care though he ended up collapsing beside me anyway. I watched his chest rise and fall as he slept. He was on his back facing the ceiling. I leaned closer placing my head on his chest Hearing his steady heartbeat, That alone calmed me. It didn't take me long before I ended up falling asleep as well. 

I woke up to Sarah's voice. 

"Harry? wake up there's a patient that needs an Aneurysm repair"

I feel Harry move and I realized I was still on his chest. He stirs awake noticing me, I move off of him.


I say in my hoarse morning voice  and he kisses my temple 

"I'm sorry to wake you"

He adds getting up grabbing his pager, then starts to head out with Sarah. 

"I'll be back before breakfast" 

I hear Sarah giggle as I droop my head back down. 

When I awake again Harry and Sarah were talking quietly at the end of my bed looking down at my chart. I stir pushing the hair out of my face. They notice I'm awake when I sit up slowly.

"Well look who's finally awake"

Sarah beams and I become really dizzy all of a sudden.


I groan falling back holding my head and Harry and Sarah rush to my side. 

"What's wrong?"

Harry asks pulling arms away from my face. I see white dots overcome my vision. 

Harry's POV  


I hear Laura groan and I immediately drop everything rushing over.

"What's wrong"

I ask pulling her arms from her face so I could see her properly. She didn't reply and I see her eyes roll behind her head. Her body suddenly rocks violently.


I say laying her on her side 

"She's having a seizure give me a 1000mg of levetiracetam now!"

I yell to Sarah and she fumbles getting the syringe filling it up, I try and hold Laura still so Sarah could inject her. When she does Laura's body relaxes and I pull away from her so she could breathe. Her eyes jolt open and she gasps for air. I grab her hand leaning over her. 

"Hey it's me, love, You had a seizure I need you to calm down"

I say softly and She looks at me breathing hard. Her hand was shaking and I tried to calm her down.  I climb into the bed holding her gently and she clutches my arms.  

She whimpers while tears stream down her face. I wipe her tears and kiss her head gently.

I look at Sarah and she was looking at us completely frozen. I nod my head towards the door and she knew what I was telling her because she then walked out of the room leaving Laura and me alone.

"You're okay"

She grips my arms harder. She dropped her head onto my chest as her body collapses from exhaustion. 


She fumbles her words and I look down at her.

"Shhh don't talk just rest lovely"

She then falls into a deep sleep and I stay by her side the whole time.

Laura's POV

 I wake up feeling drained and dazed. I move my arms but I was constricted by another pair. When I look up my head bumps someone's chin making them groan. I blush to realize It was Harry.   


I mumble kissing the spot I hit. He lets out a soft laugh hugging me tighter. He then got up fixing his hair then straightened his clothes. I observe him quietly as he fixed himself. He then smiles pulling me into a kiss. 

"I have to go into a meeting with UNOS so I'll be back, try not to miss me too much."

He winked and I giggle pushing him away.

"I won't"

I reply as he walks out of the door leaving me alone in the empty room. 

A meeting with UNOS? Sarah told me I have to constantly update my stats so I can see if I can move up the list. I was worried that my condition was getting worse but not enough for me to get a new heart soon. Sarah did admit that Some people never end up getting a heart and they end up dying because the waiting list is very competitive and long. I worried that would happen to me. 

Luck never really was on my side, never has been. I knew it was a long shot but I believe in Harry and Sarah to help me. 

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