Justin (Requested Imagine)

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         Requested by: yomamasofat69D

Law class was not my first choice for classes I could've taken this semester, but unfortunately for me it was the only class I could take that would fit into my timetable.

I sat at the front of the class, as per usual, and took out my notebook and pen.

Students from my class started piling in just as the bell rang for people to be in their classes. Our teacher, Mr. Westen, pulled up the slideshow of notes for today and began talking.

About fifteen minutes into class, Justin Foley and his group of idiot friends started chuckling to themselves at the back of the class.

"Ow!" The boy beside me said quietly so he didn't interrupt the class.

I look over at him and suddenly saw a small wad of paper hit him in the back of the neck. I looked behind me and saw Justin holding a straw and shooting the paper wads at the boy's neck repeatedly.

"Justin stop being such a god damn asshole," I grumbled at him.

He looked taken back by my comment. To be honest I was taken back too, I'm usually pretty quiet. But, this wasn't the first time Justin and his friends were being assholes to other people and quite frankly I was fed up.

   "Oh? And what if I don't?" He smirked. "Am I gonna be punished?" His friends chuckled at that

   "Unlike you, some people actually have respect for other people and don't act like immature assholes to try to look cool," I barked. "Oh and by the way, you don't impress people like that, you just look dumb."

   Justin mumbled something under his breath and then put the straw away.

   I then turned back around in my seat with a smug smile on my face.

  Justin's  POV

   Law class ended shortly after my little conversation with Y/N.

   I had honestly never really talked to her before this. I mean, I went to elementary school with her and I've seen her around in our three years of high school together, but I never really noticed her a lot or talked to her before.

   Y/N has always been super quite but after today I've definitely learned that she's not all that she's cracked up to be.

   I grabbed my backpack from the back of my chair and followed Y/N out of the class.

"Y/N! Wait up," I called down the hall.

She turned around swiftly and looked at me confused.

"What was that all about?" I asked her once I got close to her.

She scoffed at me, "you really think you did nothing wrong in there?" She asked.

I scratched the back of my neck nervously, "I mean—"

She cut me off.

"Because to be quite honest, not only were you harassing and embarrassing the poor guy in our class by laughing and shooting paper at him; you were harassing and embarrassing me by saying something as derogatory as 'am I gonna be punished'," she spat.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that," I admitted. "That was wrong."

"Yeah, you're right," she mumbled. "You shouldn't of said that, but thank you for apologizing."

And with that she turned on her heels and walked away.

   I watched her as she walked down the hallway. She walked with confidence but not in a cocky way. She walked in a way that made it known that she didn't care what you thought of her because she only focused on making sure she was happy with herself.

   She held her books tightly to her chest as she shuffled past people and I smiled lightly to myself. I don't know why I smiled, but there was something about her.

******** Justin's POV

I started noticing Y/N more and more as the days past.

I tried talking to her in class but it didn't seem to work. She's really invested in learning, she likes being focused and talking to me in class is not her primary focus.

But as I watched her more, as creepy as that may sound although it was just subtle glances in class or down the hall or in the cafeteria, I could see her personality through her actions and her words.

She's quite for sure but there's so much more about her that I want to get to know I just don't know when I'll get the chance.

************** Y/N's POV

    A few days had went by ever since I talked to Justin and I've noticed that he's been trying to talk to me more, almost in a flirty way.

   It's weird because I grew up with Justin, he was always in my class and I always wondered what it would be like if we were friends but then we got to high school and I realized that wasn't what I wanted. But recently, he's been really nice to me and he's doesn't act like a total douche like his friends.

    The bell rang and I knew I was going to be late for class.

   I sprinted down the hallway clutching my books for dear life but unfortunately for me I slipped and fell, making my books fly across the hallway floor.

   "Jesus, Y/N!" Someone gasped from in front of me.

   I looked up and saw Justin staring at me startled.

   He rushed over to me, picking up my books along the way. "Are you okay?" He asked concerned.

   "Honestly, I think I bruised my hip of something when I landed," I told him. "It hurts really bad."

   "Here," he offered is arm for me to take. "Try to stand up and we'll walk it off and see how that helps. Sometimes you just have to move for a bit and you'll feel better."

   I grabbed his arm and carefully stood up, grunting as I did so. "Thanks," I said.

   Justin held my books as he helped me walk down the hall.

   "Why aren't you in class already?" I asked him.

His face turned a light shade of pink, "I was umm— I saw you at your locker from down the hall and I was gonna come over and ask if I could walk you to class," he explained to me slightly embarrassed.

I smiled at him, "really?"

He nodded, "yeah. I've just— I don't know, I've just been wanting to hangout with you more and get to know you."

I laughed as we turned the corner, completely passing my class, "after thirteen years of going to school together, you finally want to get to know me?"

"Is that so bad?" Justin laughed along with me.

"No, no I guess not. Recently I've been thinking the same thing. I want to get to know you more too," I admitted. "The more you've been trying to talk to me this week made me realize that you're actually more of a decent guy than I thought...no offence."

"None taken," he said. "How's your hip feeling?"

Oh right, my hip. I completely forgot it even hurt in the first place. "Actually a lot better."

"So, in that case, would you maybe want to go to Monet's with me after school today?" Justin asked with a hint of nervousness in his voice.

"I'd like that," I replied.

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