Zach (Requested Imagine)

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             Requested by: 13rwfangurll

   I sat at the lunch table with my boyfriend Zach and his friends as I picked away at my lunch.

   "So, Y/N, what do you think?" Zach asked me suddenly.

   "Huh?" I asked coming out from my thoughts. "Think about what?"

"Were you seriously not listening at all?" Zach questioned slightly upset. "We've been talking to you for the past five minutes, Y/N."

I rolled my eyes, "sorry I don't care to listen to all of you talk about baseball twenty four seven," I sassed.

"We weren't even talking about baseball, Y/N?" Monty stated with a confused tone.

"Oh whatever, Montgomery. It's not like I give a shit about your guys' conversations anyway," I said.

   "Okay, Y/N, what's up with you? Why are you being so rude?" Zach spat.

   "Oh I'm sorry Zachary, am I supposed to be acting like I care what you're talking about?"

   "Just leave if you don't want to be here, Y/N," Alex spoke up leaving over the table to look at me.

   I smiled a fake smile, "gladly." I got up from my spot at the table and walked out of the cafeteria.

I made my way to my locker and grabbed my biology binder. I grabbed a pencil and a pen and then headed to my class before lunch ended.

Unfortunately, Zach, Monty, and Bryce were in this class as well.

I sat at my usual desk and the bell rang for people to start getting to their classes.

Once everyone was settled in their desks, the teacher started the lesson. We took notes for about half an hour and then our teacher gave us some work to do in the textbook.

I, of course, did the work in the textbook because I care about my grades. My boyfriend and his friends on the other hand decided to spend this time chatting away at the back of the class.

I turned around in my seat swiftly and glared at them, "can you guys maybe...I don't know...shut up?" I asked. "Or do you guys not know what that means?"

"Okay, seriously what the fuck, Y/N?" Zach said angrily.

"Whoops, sorry," I giggled innocently before turning back around in my seat.


Class ended and thankfully the school day was now over.

I walked to my locker and threw my stuff into my backpack before making my way to my car.

I passed by Monty who was standing at his locker, "have a fan-fucking-tastic rest of your day Y/N," he said sarcastically with a fake smile.

I gave him the finger and returned the smile, "fuck you too, Monty."

****** Zach's POV ******

I stood at my locker as Bryce, Monty, and Alex all huddled around me.

"So I have a plan to get back at, Y/N for acting bitchy today." I told them.

"Dude I don't think you can call your girlfriend a bitch," Alex pointed out.

"I didn't call her a bitch," I stated. "I said she was acting 'bitchy' today, there's a difference," I clarified. "Anyway, as I was saying, I have a plan."

"Go on," Monty said.

"Okay, we're gonna go out and by a bunch of baby stuff and tomorrow we're just gonna treat her like she's a baby to embarrass her." I explained.

The guys all smirked and nodded in agreement.

And so our plan began.

******** Y/N POV *******

It was the next day and Zach was going to be picking me up from my house so we could go to school.

He texted me saying that he was here so I ran out to his car and got in.

We drove down the street and as we got to a stop Zach said, "oh I brought you some coffee, here." He handed me a toddlers sippy cup full of coffee.

I looked at him weirdly, "uhhh, what's this?"

"Your coffee," he said casually.

"Thanks?" I carefully unscrewed the lid and took a sip and almost gagged. "Dude it's cold."

"I know, I didn't want you to burn your tongue," Zach shrugged.

I ignored him the rest of the ride to school.


I got to my first period class which I had with Bryce.

In the middle of me doing my psychology homework I began to get cold. I let out a small shiver and Bryce must've noticed from beside me.

"Cold?" He asked.

I nodded, "a little yeah."

"Here." He stood up from his chair and pulled a baby blanket out of his backpack. Bryce draped the light blue blanket with ducks on it over my shoulders.

"What the hell is this Bryce?" I muttered as classmates started laughing.

Bryce shook his head, "don't get fussy now. Here, have a toy." Bryce pulled out a toy key ring with fake keys on it and placed it on my desk.

"You're such an asshole. You and Zach," I said throwing the blanket and keys at him before grabbing my stuff and storming out of class.

Lunch was when I really started to get annoyed.

I sat down at the table with Zach and the guys and took my lunch out. Today my lunch was a sub.

"No no, that's too dangerous to eat," Monty spoke up. "I brought you this." He pulled out a container and handed it to me, "cheese, apple pieces, yogurt, and strawberry banana puffs."

"Okay seriously what is going on, why am I being treated like a baby?" I finally asked them.

"Wait!" Alex quickly stood up and walked behind me. Suddenly I felt him wrap something around my neck and attach it behind me. "There you go, that could've been messy," Alex stated with a sigh.

I looked down and saw there was a bib covering my chest.

"You guys are actually assholes. What the fuck is going on?"

Zach spoke up, "you were acting bitchy yesterday and treating us like children so we decided to treat you like a baby."

I looked around the table and all the guys agreed with Zach.

"Shit guys, I'm sorry. I was having a bad day yesterday, honestly I didn't mean it." I apologized sincerely.

They all forgave me and Monty gave me my real lunch back and I removed the bib from my neck.

"So all of the baby stuff is done with right?" I asked.

"Yeah," they all said with a chuckle.

I laughed along, "thank god."

Sorry for the wait

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