Scott (Requested Imagine)

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Requested by: Lisa4x

"Y/N! I thought I told you to stop hanging out with Bryce!" My boyfriend of six months, Tony, yells at me through the phone.

"He's my best fucking friend, Tony!" I argued. "I'm not just gonna drop him for no reason!"

I heard Tony scoff on the other end of the line. I could practically hear him rolling his eyes too.

"I have a damn reason!" He declared. "He's a fucking rapist!"

Tears prickled in my eyes, "shut your fucking mouth! Bryce isn't a fucking rapist and how dare you accuse him of being one!"

"It's not an accusation, Y/N! There are things you don't know about him!"

"Yeah? Like what huh?"

He laughed harshly, "I'm over this, Y/N," Tony deadpanned. "If you don't want to fucking believe me then don't. We're done." And with that, Tony hung up the phone. Leaving me completely and utterly shocked.

Tears rolled down my cheeks.

I lay down in my bed, turning off my lamp that was on my bedside table.

I took a deep, shakey breath and closed my eyes, letting myself drift off to sleep.

********six months later*******

So it turns out Tony was right all along.

Bryce is a rapist.

A lot has changed since that phone call Tony and I had when we broke up.

I dropped Bryce and all his other friends I was close with...except Scott Reed.

Scott and I started dating a few months ago.

Tony started dating Brad a few months ago.

We were okay I guess.

We never really talked or hung out after that phone call but we didn't hate each other.

Although, I started getting weird vibes from Tony about a week ago.

He's been trying to get a lot closer to me again.

And I never see him with Brad anymore.

I ignored it though, thinking that maybe Tony just wanted to be friends.

But I was completely and utterly wrong.

"Yo, Y/N!" I heard Tony call out from down the empty hall as I gathered all my books into my backpack.

"Uhhh, hey Tony?" I said a little confused.

"I wanted to apologize for yelling at you like I did when we broke up." He said as he approached me.

"That was like months ago now Tony, it's a little too late for that."

I zipped up my backpack, getting ready to leave as I tried to step around Tony.

It didn't work too well because he kept stepping in front of me, blocking my way.

"What is it Tony? I have work in two hours," I said a little frustrated.

"I want us to try again. I really like you still, Y/N. I want to be with you again," he said sincerely.

I let out an annoyed huff, pulling on the strap of my bag, "I'm dating Scott, Tony. And even if I wasn't, I wouldn't be getting back with you."

I tried to step around him again, but he blocked my way once more, "move Tony!"

When he didn't move, I continued my quest to get around him but it was no use.

"Let my girlfriend leave, Padilla." I turned to my side, seeing Scott walking up to Tony and I with his jaw and fists clenched. He came up to me, wrapping his arm over my shoulder, walking right around Tony, leaving him standing alone in the hallway.

Tony knew he couldn't touch Scott. He's on probation, and one wrong move on Scott, he would have the entire baseball team after him.

"Thanks baby," I said smiling softly at Scott.

He kissed my forehead and returned the smile, "he's an ass, you don't need to thank me."

We stayed silent until we got to his car.

Once we got in and Scott started driving out of the parking lot he spoke up, "so you work tonight?"

I nodded, "Yeah. Four thirty to nine."

"So we have two hours?"

"Well one cause I need to shower and get ready before I go."

"I can work with that," he smirked.

I was confused for a moment but then I caught on to what he was implying.

"Are you jealous?"

He scoffed, "pfft, no."

"Yeah you are!" I laughed. "Cause you never want to have sex if either of us has to leave right after!" It's true. Scott always like cuddling after. He never liked the feeling of leaving right after we did it.

"Whatever." He turned down his street, quickly parking his car in the driveway before we both rushed out of the car and into his house.

He pushed me roughly up against the wall after slamming the front door shut.

He began kissing down my neck, making me bite my lip.

Scott ran his hands down my sides, something he loved doing, until they reached my butt, "jump," he said lowly.

I did as he said, jumping up, wrapping my legs around his torso so he could carry me up the stairs.

We got to his room and he didn't waste any time throwing me onto his bed.

Scott places his lips on mine. I kissed him back harder before he moved his lips back down to my neck, sucking harshly on my skin, making me moan.

He pulled my shirt over my head leaving me in my bra. He undid my jeans, and I helped him slide the tight pants down my legs until he could fully pull them off.

After he took off his shirt and pants, I stopped him before he could make his next move, "I want you to go slow," I panted out.

He tilted his head in confusion, "but you have to leave in like forty five minutes."

"I wasn't supposed to work anyway. It's just a fill in shift for Carol. They won't care if I don't go."

Scott smiled happily, "okay."

I smiled back with a subtle smirk playing on my lips, "I want you to go nice and slow," I whispered seductively. "I want you to show me what you can do to me that Tony can't."

Scott smirked back, planting a soft but passionate kiss on my lips, beginning to trial kisses all down my body.

"Okay baby girl."

Smut is so awkward to write. This is as best as it's gonna get with me lmfao.

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