Scott Reed (Imagine)

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I've been dating Scott for three months now, and we haven't reached that point in our relationship when I'm comfortable telling him that I'm on my period. I would just always tell him that I didn't feel good and he was gullible enough to not question it.

Sadly, today was that time of the month and it was a Wednesday which means I have school to attend.

I trudged into school with my backpack slung over my right shoulder. I'm pretty sure I looked like a hobo because I was wearing sweats and one of Scott's sweaters that was two sizes too big.

I got to my locker and opened it, proceeding to throw all of my things in it. As I began taking out my binder for Bio, I felt someone's arms wrap around me.

"Hey baby!" It was Scott.

I groaned as he squeezed my stomach from behind, "hey," I said turning around to face him. I smiled weakly and pressed a kiss on his lips.

   "Damn are you ok? You kinda look like shit..." Scott tells me jokingly. Unfortunately because of the vast amount of mood swings I get while on my period my eyes began to tear up. "Oh, shit! Babe I was only joking, you look as beautiful as always!" Scott cooed.

   But at this point my emotions were all over the place so I replied with, "fuck you asshole!" And stormed off to my Bio class.


   The day had gone by and I tried my best to avoid Scott at all times. Luckily he was only in my fourth period class and sat three rows behind me.

   I began to take things from my locker and place them into my backpack. As I closed my locker Scott ran up to me and stopped me from walking away.

   "I know what's wrong!" He blurted. "I was confused most of the day but then I told Sherri was happened and she said it could be 'that time of the month'" Scott explained. I didn't reply, I just kept my head down, "is it? Is that what it is?"

   I nodded, "mhm," I mumbled.

   He chuckled, "god you're adorable," he says softly.

   I glanced up at him, "what?"

   He smiled, "you're just so cute when you get all choked up."

   I blushed and buried my head in his chest to hide my embarrassment, "I'm sorry for being such a bitch..." I trailed off.

Scott chuckled and kissed the top of my head, "it's fine baby girl," Scott replied. "Now what do you say I take you home and then I'll stop by the store and buy you ice cream?" He offered.

I pulled away and smiled excitedly at my amazing boyfriend, "I'd love that!"

Scott smiled back at me and then picked up my backpack up off of the floor and swung it over his shoulder.

"What are you doing?" I asked curiously.

Scott smirked at me, "this," he responded and then picked me up bridal style and started to carry me to his car.

"You're too much, Reed," I chuckled.

"Don't act like you don't love me carrying you around," he said cockily and smirked at me once more.

I rose an eyebrow and laughed lightly, "touché."

Once we got to his car, Scott placed me down in the passenger seat and I did up my seatbelt. Scott closed the passenger door and walked over to the driver side and got into the car.

I looked over at him lovingly, "I love you Scott Reed," I told him sincerely.

That was the first time either of us had ever told each other that we loved one another.

Scott looked at me surprised and then he smiled widely at me, "I love you too Y/F/N Y/L/N."

I got one month of school left guys!!!! I'm pumped!!!

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