Zach Dempsey (Gif Imagine-PT 1)

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   "Honestly Zach I'm tired as hell and I don't feel like arguing with you anymore." I let out a sigh of frustration. "I'm going home. Call me when you actually care about fixing this relationship." I grabbed my keys off of his kitchen counter and walked out the front door.

This is our third fight of the week. Out of the two years we've dated I don't think we've ever had bad fights like this.

For the past month I have been trying to tell Zach that I feel like our relationship is drifting apart, but he just shrugs it off like it's nothing.

I have tried so hard to make our relationship like it used to be, but Zach isn't putting in the same amount of effort as I have. I just can't do it anymore if he doesn't care about us.

I got home and the second I closed my front door I burst into tears.

"Honey? Is that you?" My mom called from the living room.

I sniffled, wiped my tears away quickly and stood up just as she walked into the room.

I gave my best smile even though all I wanted to do was cry, "hey mom."

She looked at me strangely, "is everything okay? You look like you've been crying."

"Yeah yeah, I'm alright," I stated. "Just a small fight with Zach, but it's all good." I tried my best not to let the tears spill from my eyes.

My mom stepped closer pulling me into a hug. I burst into tears all over again and she gently rubbed my back.

She pulled away after and wiped the tears from under my eyes, "relationships are hard hun, but trust me, if you found the right one it's all worth the fight," she told me. She brought me to the living room and handed me a cup of coffee.

I sat down on the couch and she sat down too, "if you don't argue every now and again something is wrong," she said.

"But that's the problem, we're fighting because our whole relationship is wrong," I mumbled setting my coffee on the table. "He's just not trying enough anymore. It's like he doesn't care."

"Well hun, if you're really not sure what to do—take a break. And like everyone says, if you love someone, let them go. And if they come back then they're yours; but if they don't, it was never meant to be."

I sighed, "yeah." I stood up and walked to my room, the only thing on my mind was going to bed and trying to forget and let go.


   I woke up feeling like shit, and sadly it was a school day which means my day is going to be even more shitty because I have to see Zach.

   I got dressed, tied my hair in a loose ponytail, and threw on some makeup.

   I drove to school, parking my car and heading to my locker.

   Three out of four classes with Zach...It's gonna be a long day.


   I sat with Alex at lunch. Usually I sit with Zach and his friends but considering the circumstances, that was not an option I was going to choose.

   "So, you gonna tell me what happened with you and Zach?" Alex spoke up.

   I could already feel the waterworks starting again. I took a deep breath and told Alex the entire situation.

   After I was done, Alex told me to just go talk to him and work it out, "I've already more than a hundred times. I told you, he doesn't care," I said glancing down at my still full tray of unappetizing cafeteria food.

   Alex seemed to notice that I didn't wanna talk about the topic anymore, so he decided to tell me funny stories to make me laugh and hopefully brighten my mood.

   I began letting out small chuckles as Alex told me stories. I glanced over at Zach to see him glaring at Alex and I.

 I glanced over at Zach to see him glaring at Alex and I

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   "Hold on a sec," I said standing up from the table. "I'll be right back, Alex."

   I walked over to where Zach was sitting and sat down beside him, "what's your problem?"

   Zach chuckled harshly, "what's my problem? What's your problem, Y/N?" He spat. "You're the one who's flirting with Alex!"


   "Oh don't act dumb, Y/N." Zach rolled his eyes.

   I grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the cafeteria. We stood under a tree and I began to raise my voice since no one was around, "don't tell me that I'm acting dumb, Dempsey! You're the one acting dumb!" I pointed a finger at him.

   He chuckled again, "me?"

   "Yeah you! I've been trying to save our fucking relationship for the past two god damn months! And you don't even care!"

   "Because there's nothing to fix, Y/N!" He argued back. He's got to be kidding me?

   I took a deep breath, taking a glance up at the swaying leaves of the tree above me. I let out a shaky breath, "we never see each other anymore, Zach," I said calmly. "You always tell me you're not free or when we do have plans you drop them for something else."

   "I do not!"

   I nodded lightly, "but you do. And I'm not saying that it's just you; it's me too. But I'm actually trying to spend more time with you. You aren't." Zach stayed silent so I continued. "If you don't want this relationship anymore just tell me, Zach. Because I am willing to let you go if you don't want us to continue," I said.

   "What?" He asked confused.

   "I love you to death, Zach. But, I-I just can't keep being the only one who's trying to make this relationship work." I explained. "I think we need a break."

   Before I let him say anything, I walked back into the cafeteria leaving Zach standing outside unsure of what to do or how to feel.

Imma make a part 2, cause I feel like this one needs it. Ik this is seemed better in my head lmafo.

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