Zach (Requested Imagine)

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Requested by: Writer_Reader05

I wiped my hands down my dress, trying to get rid of any wrinkles. I took a deep breath before staring at myself nervously in the mirror.

"Honey? Are you ready?" My mom asked quietly as she knocked on my door.

"Just give me a minute, please."

I heard my mom say a small 'okay' and walk back downstairs.

Today I was testifying at Hannah's trial. Not because I was on the tapes but because I'm her sister.

I was a year older than her but we were basically twins. We did everything and anything together, we looked basically identical, and it didn't help that we also shared the same birthday.

I walked slowly downstairs, seeing my mom waiting at the door. She gave me a small encouraging smile and we walked out to the car.

Standing beside the car was my boyfriend, Zach Dempsey. I ran up to him and buried my face into his chest, "you're gonna be fine, okay? I'll be there, Jessica will be there, so will Alex and Clay. Okay?"

I back away and nodded sadly, "okay," I mumbled.

We got into the car and my mom drove us to the court.

   I made my way up to the stand, nervous as all hell, waiting for the endless amount of daunting questions to start being thrown at me by Sonya.

   "So, Y/N, how often did you spend time with your sister Hannah?" Sonya began.

   "Um, almost every day. If not every other day," I replied anxiously.

   "And did you ever see any signs that she maybe had thoughts of taking her own life?"

   I could feel tears start to fill my eyes, "n-no not really. She never expressed anything of that matter to me."

   "Did Hannah ever go to you for advice or just vent about things on her mind?" She asked, pacing back and forth in front of me, seeming as though she was trying to make me even more anxious.

   "Of course, I'm her big sister."

   And here came the big questions, "did you know about the things being said and the pictures being sent around the school about your sister?"

   "U-um," my voice came out shaken up. "I heard some things. I was a grade above her so we didn't hear much unless it was from people my age on the baseball or basketball team. It was rare," I explained. I wasn't lying. Things are very split up in grades at Liberty. If you aren't in the grade with a lot of drama spreading, you won't really ever hear about it unless you are. The only thing I ever heard at school about Hannah was the list Alex made and her kissing Courtney.

   "Did she ever talk to you about it?" Sonya questioned, staring intently at me.

   "A little, she never really gave me full details, but she told me that people had been spreading stuff about her."

   Sonya nodded, "how come you never told your parents?"

   My breathing caught in my throat, "I, um—I did b-but—"

   I got cut off by Sonya, "well obviously you didn't because your parents didn't know what was going on until after she died."

   Tears poured down my face, "I did, I swear I did but—but Hannah didn't want them to know everything. She told m-me she had already talked to the school counselor."

   "So then do you think that Hannah's death was in fact, a matter of you not telling your parents, and not that the school was not helpful?" Sonya interrogated.

   "Ok, that's enough. Can't you see what you're doing to her?" My parents lawyer spoke up. "Y/N, I think Sonya has all she needs," he sneered at Sonya.

   I nodded and rushed off of the stand and out the court room doors.

   Zach chased after me and wrapped his arms around me before I collapsed onto the floor, "I should've t-told my parents t-the full story. I—I shouldn't of listened to Hannah w-when she told me n-not to tell."

   Zach rubbed my back, resting his chin on the top of my head, "Y/N, her death wasn't your fault and you know that. You were just doing what Hannah told you to do, don't listen to Sonya. You are an amazing big sister," he said quietly trying to calm me down as best as he could.

   People began filing out of the court room, glancing at me and giving me small encouraging smiles before walking off.

My parents came out and hugged me telling me I did a good job and that they were proud. They walked off as well, leaving me with Zach who was holding my hand as he was soothingly running his thumb up and down the side of my hand.

"Why don't we go back to my house we can watch a movie and I'll order something for us to eat?" He suggested as he pulled me along to leave the court house.

I nodded silently, not really wanting to speak at the moment.

Zach's house wasn't far so he suggested we walk because it helps clear your mind and relax.

Once we got to his house I immediately changed out of my dress and into a pair of Zach's sweat pants and one of his hoodies.

I joined him down in the living room, sitting right beside him whiling snuggling into his side.

He wrapped his left arm around my shoulder and leaned down to kiss the top of my head, "are you ok?" He asked softly.

I let out a breath that felt like I had been holding in ever since Hannah's death, then proceeded I answer his question, "I will be."

I ended up falling asleep before the food got to Zach's house, but I knew he would end up putting some away for me anyway.

And for the first time in a while, I finally started to feel like I might actually be okay again.

And I think that's all thanks to Zach.

Sooo I did go see the new movie The First Purge and holy shit it was actually so good. It ended up being 18A which my friend and I didn't realize until after we bought tickets but the guy at the booth let us in anyway

Also I'm so so sorry if you've requested something and I haven't made it yet. I've been trying to plan them all out around my schedule and it's really hard right now

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