Zach (Requested Imagine)

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                 Requested by: seashalt

"San! Zach and his mom will be here in ten minutes for dinner so you better be ready by then!" My mom yelled from downstairs.

I groaned loudly, angrily throwing my pencil down on my desk.

"Can I eat dinner in my bedroom?!" I asked her.

I heard her chuckle, "no you may not!"

I rolled my eyes and let out another groan.

"Just the Friday night I was hoping for," I mumbled sarcastically to myself as I imagined having to spend dinner with the guy I cannot stand, Zach Dempsey.

    The most annoying human on the planet, with sparkling eyes, and a perfect smile. I paused my thoughts and chuckled harshly, "oh no, no, no I can't keep thinking of him like that," I mumbled to myself again.

   Suddenly the doorbell rang and I mentally cursed myself for not having time to make myself look presentable...for my sake obviously...not Zach's.

   "San! They're here!"

   "I know, mother I have ears!"

I quickly changed out of my hoodie and sweatpants, and put on a pair of leggings with a tank top and cardigan.

I made my way downstairs, seeing Zach's mom, Karen, and my mom talking and laughing over a glass of wine in the kitchen, while Zach was watching tv in the living room.

When Zach saw me he gave me a small glare, to which I rolled my eyes in return.

Karen smiled sweetly at me as I entered the kitchen, "it's so lovely to see you, San!" She gushed. "I haven't seen you in a while, how have you been?"

I smiled in return, "I've been good, school is going well too, keeping up my grades," I told her.

"Yeah, Zach was telling me you guys have a couple classes together?" She asked, taking a sip of her wine while my mom stirred the food that was on the stove.

I glanced over at Zach who looked uninterested, "yeah we do, Spanish and psychology."

"San, don't forget to mention how you made the track team!" My mom spoke up from behind Karen.

Karen's eyes lit up, "oh honey that's fantastic! I'll get Zach to drive you home when you guys have practice on the same day!"

I heard Zach scoff, "good one mom. Not a chance."

"Who's ready for dinner?!" My mom squealed.


   "Well it was lovely seeing you, San," Karen said as she put her black court on. "I was telling your mother, I'm having another one of my annual dinner parties next Friday, I hope to see you there."

   I smiled kindly, "definitely!"

   "Great." She grinned back. "The theme this year is gala, so a fancy dress and jewelry is the attire."

   I nodded, "sounds great."

   "Okay well, I shall see you both next Friday!" Karen beamed at my mother and I before heading out the door.

   Zach left without saying a word, a slight eye roll was seen though while his mom had given my mom and I a goodbye hug.

   I can't stand Zach Dempsey.


It was Friday morning, the day of Karen Dempsey's party, and as it got closer to the day, I've dreaded this party more and more.

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