Zach Dempsey (Requested Imagine)

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Requested by: show-choir-gal

    You'd think having the entire basketball team head over heels for you would be a girls dream. But, when you have Justin Foley as your brother, it's not all sunshine and rainbows.

Although Justin sees me as the annoyingly over talented younger sister, he is extremely over protective when it comes to me and guys who like me. And him being on the basketball team doesn't help this situation.

   "Hey Justin, I'm staying after school for a little bit to practice a song on the piano. Would you mind picking me up after I'm done?" I asked putting my books in my backpack.

   He glared at me before sighing, "fine. But if it's after four I can't, I got a date with Jess," he said after taking a bite out of his toast.

   I smiled, "I'll probably be done around three thirty," I told him. "Thank you!"

I rushed to the front door, about to head off to school but Justin stopped me, "Leena!" He called, I turned around and saw him holding my backpack with a small smirk on his face, "forgetting something?"

I walked over to him, scoffing at his cockiness, grabbed my bag and walked out the front door.


  "Leena!" My friend Y/F/N called as I walked into school. "I heard a bunch of the guys on the basketball team talking to your brother about you."

  I rolled my eyes playfully, "you think I don't know they do that? Justin literally gives me a lecture twenty four seven about how I can't date any of them." I chuckled.

  "But if you could, who would you date?"

  "That's a good question." I paused to think about, shutting my locker as I did so. "I honestly don't know, most of them seem kinda...what's the word? Fuckboy-ish" I explained. Y/F/N nodded in agreement.

We began to walk to our class but suddenly Y/F/N stopped walking, "I have an idea!" She declared.

  "Which is?"

  "You go on dates with them!" She squealed.

  "All of them?!"

   She pulled me into the girls washroom, checking to make sure no one else was in there, then preceded to tell me her idea. "No no no, you can look too hoeish." I rolled my eyes but let her continue, "just pick like three or four you like and hang out with them privately and see what they're like."

    I thought about it for a few seconds, "hmm, that might actually be a good idea." I confessed. Y/F/N smiled proudly to herself. We walked out of the washroom and continued to class.


   The bell for the end of last period was five minutes away from ringing. Throughout the day I had taken note of how the boys on the basketball team acted in class. Since I had most classes with most of them, I was able to conjure up the result that most of them were in fact fuckboy-ish.

   Except one. Zach Dempsey. I never really noticed him too much since he was usually quite quiet in class and was never one to be the class clown. He seemed sweet and down to earth.

  I had decided not to go on any dates with the other guys since I got a pretty good insight on how they are as a person, and like I said, they were fuckboys.

  But, I wouldn't mind going on a date with Zach.

  There's just one problem: he's Justin's best friend.

Finally, the bell for the end of the period rang and I was about to rush off to my locker when I was stopped by Bryce.

"Hey you're good at math right?" He asked.

"Yeah," I answered, setting my books back onto one of the desks.

"Would you mind helping me with this one thing?"

I sighed knowing this was gonna waste some of my time I needed for piano, "quickly."

Bryce pulled out a sheet of paper from his backpack and set it in front of me, "can you do this for me?"

I stared blankly at him, confused as to why he needed help with simple addition, subtraction, and multiplication questions when he was extremely good at math to begin with.

I pushed my thoughts aside and began writing down the answers.
1) 10-3= 7
2) 5*0= 0
3) 4+3= 7
4) 2+2= 4
5) 2*3= 6
6) 8-5= 3
7) 1*1= 1
8) 10-9= 1
9) 1*2= 2
10) 18-9= 9

"Alright, there you go," I said handing him the sheet.

He shook his head, giving me the sheet back, "write those numbers down on your phone. Text me sometime." He winked, beginning to make his way out of the class. I scoffed at him, crumpling the piece of paper up and threw it away.

It was almost three o'clock and I had played the song perfectly the last five times. Since I had some time to kill I just played random songs on the piano.

"Hey Foley."

I turned around and saw Zach smiling at me, "Hey." I smiled back.

He walked over to me and sat down in the chair next to me, "You're pretty good at that," he said pointing to the piano.

"Thanks," I replied trying to hide the small blush on me face. "So what's up?"

"Nothing, I was walking by and heard the piano so I wanted to see who it was," he explained, "So is this the only instrument you can play?" He asked curiously.

"No. I play double bass, viola, cello, clarinet, tenor saxophone, ukulele, and some other things," I told him.

   His eyes widened in shock, "holy shit! Damn you're a lot different than your brother." He chuckled, "he's got nothing on you."

   I shrugged, "I can't play basketball to save my life so..." we both laughed.

  "Do you need a ride home?"

  "Ummm," yes I thought, "no, um, Justin's coming to get me."

  "Just tell him you had a change of plans. We can go grab coffee or something at Monets." Zach suggested.

  I smiled softly, "that'd be nice."

  "Sounds like a plan!" Zach exclaimed excitedly.

  We got up and walked out of the music room, "I'm just gonna go put my books in my locker." Zach nodded and I walked down the hall to my locker.

  I saw Alex approach me from the corner of my eye, I turned to face him, giving him a small smile.

  "Hey Leena," he scratched the back of his neck nervously, "I was wondering if um, you'd want to maybe go to the movies in an hour?"

  "Oh, I was actually about to go to Monets with Zach." I pointed to Zach across the hallway, "sorry." I gave him an apologetic smile. Alex nodded sadly and walked away.

  I made my way back to Zach after putting my books in my locker. We walked to his car just as I saw Justin get out of his.


  I gave him a nervous giggle, "Hey Justin...." I trailed off, "I uh, don't need a ride home anymore. I'm going to Monets with Zach."

  "For fuck sake." Justin huffed out knowing this probably won't be the last time I hang out with his best friend. He walked back to his car but before he did so he sent an evil glare towards Zach.

  When he drove off I giggled slightly shaking my head at how immature Justin had just acted. Zach opened the passenger door of his car for me, "What a gentleman," I said playfully.

  "You got that right." Zach replies before closing the door and getting in the drivers side. "Ready to go?" I nodded my head and we headed off to Monets.

Sorry this was so long!!

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