Zach (Requested Imagine)

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Requested by: anonymous

In my completely honest opinion, the compliment bags that we have in our class are kinda stupid.

I mean, sure, they can make your day a little brighter if someone actually put a compliment in yours; but if no one puts one in you kinda feel like shit.

I've had a few put in mine but I wouldn't exactly say they were 'compliments'.

For example, some of the things I've gotten were:

"You've got such a nice ass"

"You'd look even hotter underneath me"

"I love your tits but I'd love them even more if you took your shirt off"

There's many more where that came from.

I have a feeling most of them came from Bryce Walker and Montgomery de la Cruz.

I just ignore them at this point and throw them straight in the trash.

But, I soon got fed up with the amount of dirty things people were putting in my compliment bag, so I decided I would go talk to Miss. Hadley (does the teacher who does the compliment bags in the show have a name??) about what was happening in hopes she would take them down.

When school was finished I walked to Miss. Hadley's class, seeing Zach standing inside alone.

I stood silently beside the doorway, careful not to let him know I was here.

I watched as he took his compliment bag off the wall, looked inside of it, and then frowned seconds after.

"Still nothing?" He mumbled to himself sadly. "It's like everyone but me is getting compliments. Justin has gotten like ten already in the past two days."

He put the bag back on the wall, letting out a small sigh before throwing his backpack over his shoulder.

I quickly rushed down the hall and turned the first corner so Zach didn't see me.

I felt bad for him. He's such a sweet guy. He deserves endless amounts of compliments.

He's not like his friends. He's not even anywhere close to being like them.

That's when an idea struck my mind.

I could write him compliments.

A small grin grew on my face as I rushed back down the hallway and into Miss. Hadley's class room.

I took a piece of lined paper from her desk and wrote on it.

"Your smile is contagious :) you should do it more often"

I slipped the note into his paper bag and left the class.

I'll let myself suffer a few more immature comments from guys if it means I can make Zach a little happier.


The next day in Miss Hadley's class, she told us to check our compliment bags; something she made us do in class once a week.

I took my bag, pouring it's contents onto my desk.

There was only two this time,

"Your a slut, cover up more honey"

"It's 'you're' not 'your'," I grumbled to myself.

I looked at the next one,

"You+me+janitors closet=fun (;"

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