Clay (Requested Imagine)

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*Clay is your brother*
Requested by: MrsSpock

Hearing those tapes from my best friend Hannah gets harder every time I listen to them.

It funny though, I was never really on the tapes that everyone else was on, but they still got passed onto me after my brother Clay had them.

You're probably going to ask how in the world I heard those terrible tapes if I wasn't on them in the first place.

Well, I wasn't on the bad ones. After Clay had the tapes and had listened to each and every side, they showed up in my locker one day.

I was confused at first and remembered seeing the box in Clays room one day, but I felt a strange urge not to question him about it.

A few days after I had gotten the box, I was almost through all of the tapes except one, the ninth one. I was shocked when had picked it up and saw that it had my name written right across the top in all caps:


It was solely for my ears only. No one else was supposed to hear it but me. Not Clay, not Justin, not Jessica, just me. No one knew that I heard the tapes because no one else got the ninth one. I wasn't on any of the other tapes. No one knew that I knew what they had done to hurt Hannah.

   That was until it was my turn to testify at Hannah's trial.

   "Leah, it's true that you were close with Hannah, correct?" Sonya, the schools lawyer asked.

   I nodded, "yeah, she had been my best friend since she started at Liberty High," I responded.

   "And it's true that you, in fact, did hear the tapes that she had made about certain people, correct?" She interrogated from the front of the room.

   My breathing caught in my throat. I didn't want anyone to find out that I knew. I knew Hannah didn't want that either. I began to panic and look around the room nervously as Clay, Jess, Justin, and Alex stared at me in shock, "Leah? It that true?" Sonya asked once more.

   "Y-yes," I stuttered, fumbling with my fingers in my lap.

   "Could you please tell us why Hannah made a tape specifically for your ears only. The ninth tape to be more specific."

   I took a deep breath before starting to speak, "well, on the ninth tape she explained how I was the only person who really helped her. That's why I wasn't on the other tapes," I explained. "She wanted me to hear the other ones, but then she made the ninth one specifically for me because I had never done anything to hurt her, she just wanted me to know that."

Sonya looked at me puzzled, "what exactly did you do to make her feel like you were the only person helping her?"

I tried not to look at my friends who were watching this entire secret unfold in front of their eyes, "well I always made sure that she knew that I was always there if she needed to talk. I would never judge her and I always made sure that I would give her some advice on how I would deal with certain things," I told Sonya. "She never specifically told me that she was depressed or having suicidal thoughts, but I knew there was something off about her when we would hangout. So, one day I just gave her a list of helpline numbers that she could call and talk to someone if she needed to," I finished.

I looked over at Hannah's mom and she was smiling softly at me, "and did she ever call any of the helplines?" Sonya asked, breaking my eye contact with Olivia.

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