Monty (Imagine)

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You got a call from Bryce at 1:30 in the morning saying that Monty was at his party and really drunk and needs a ride home.

"Hello?" I answered tiredly, "Y/N, it's Bryce," I groaned, "it's one thirty in the morning! This better be good." I yawn.

"Monty is at my place cause I'm throwing a party, but he's really fucking drunk and he can't stay here tonight. Can you come get him?" He pleaded.

"You're lucky you're my best friend Bryce. I'll be over in ten minutes," I tell him. I hang up and throw a sweater and a pair of pants on.

I've never really been close to any of Bryce's friends, I hang out with then when Bryce is there but if not I usually don't. But since Bryce asked, I got in my car and started driving to his place.

The house was packed on the inside and out. I shoved my way past people until I found Bryce with a beer in his hand. "Where's Monty?" I ask.

"Out by the pool with Dempsey, and the other guys," he says, I go out through the back door and find the guys standing in a group staring at the ground. I hurry over and see Monty passed out on the concrete.

"Can you guys help me get him to the car." I lift him up with the help of Justin and Jeff and we get him to the car. "Do any of you need a ride home?" I question.

Justin said no cause he's crashing at Jessica's since Seth is at his place. Jeff said yes, and Alex said he's just gonna walk. With Jeff in the passenger seat, and Monty laying in the back I drove off to Jeff's house first.

"Are you sure you don't need help getting Monty into his house?" Jeff chuckled, "no I think I'll be okay, thanks though." I smiled. "No problem, thanks for the ride." He walks off into his house.

When I finally got to Monty's house he seemed to be coming to. I helped him out of the car and to his front door, which happened to be locked.

"Do you have a key?" He shook his head then said, "I snuck out of my room window, there's no way I'm gonna be able to get back in like this," he was obviously still drunk so his words came out slurred.

I sighed, "I guess you're sleeping over then." I dragged him back into my car and drove to my house.


"Come on Monty work with me here, you weight more than me." I huff, bringing him up the stairs of my house. I finally got him to the guest bedroom and sat him down on the bed.

I grabbed some clothes from my brothers room and gave them to Monty, "they're my brothers. They should fit you," I tell him. "Get some rest alright, we have school in the morning," I say, then I close his door and walk to my room.

"Who has a party on a Thursday night?" I mumble getting into bed.


I wake up and look around not recognizing where I am. Then I remembered that I'm at Y/N's house.

I look on the side table for my phone and find a glass of water and an Advil along with it.

I take the Advil and drink the water with it and head downstairs where I heard Y/N in the kitchen.

"I made pancakes cause last night on the way here you told me they were the love of your life." She chuckled. Oh god I've made a fool of myself haven't I.

"There's an hour until school, and I left some of my brothers clothes for you to wear, he's not gonna be home for a while so he won't mind," she says, "they seemed close enough to the style you wear."

"Thanks, you didn't have to though," I said, "what was I gonna do leave you on the street and not help?" She laughs, "plus your clothes reek of alcohol."

I smell the clothes I'm wearing and realize that she's right. I run upstairs and change into the plaid flannel button up, and the jeans she left for me. They fit and looked pretty good.

"How'd you know this was my style?" I ask coming back downstairs, "I've known you for years Monty, I have a pretty clear idea of what you tend to wear." She chuckles handing me a plate of pancakes.

"Yeah we have known each other for a while haven't we? Why have we never hung out?" I ask, she looks up from her food and sighs, "I just never thought I fit in with you guys, I mean I've been best friends with Bryce since we were five so we have some similarities, but with you guys I just didn't feel as close," she explains.

I smile at her and she crinkles her eyebrows in confusion, "if we had of hung out the first time Bryce introduced us to you, I would've told you how much I liked you," I confess.

Y/N's eyes widen, "y-you liked me?"

"I still do." I stand up from my seat and walk over to her, "will you let me take you on a date? So we can get to know each other a little more before anything else happens."

"I still do." Monty stands up from his seat and walks over to me, "will you let me take you on a date? So we can get to know each other a little more before anything else happens," he asks nervously.

I smile and stand up too, "I would like that Monty."


We drove to school and right when we got out of the car, Monty rushes over to me and wraps his arm around my waist protectively. I look up at him questioningly, "just so people know something is going on between us," he clarified.

When we get to the group of the guys they all just stare at us, then Bryce speaks up, "jeez Y/N, I call you to take Monty home and you end up fucking." He smirks.

Some of the guys holler, and a few yell praise at Monty for "getting some", I glare at them, "we didn't do that guys, we decided to get to know each other first before all of that," Monty explains, I smile happily at him and hold his hand in mine.

Fuck, that was shit and kinda long...sorry for that.

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