Scott (Requested Imagine)

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         Requested by: Kaydeeisaguitar

   Whenever I meet someone for the first time they don't believe me when I tell them I'm on my schools cheer team,

I'm assuming it's because I'm super quiet and my friend group is pretty small. I go to parties but I don't stay long and I rarely drink. I'm basically the opposite of every popular high school girl.

Tomorrow the baseball team has a a big game and the cheer team is obviously going to be there. Jessica, my best friend, knows how nervous I get before a big game just because I know there's going to be more people than usual; so because of that her and Sheri came over today so we could relax.

We ordered some pizza and put on a movie to play in the background as we talked.

"Who's playing against us tomorrow?" I asked.

"I think it's the bulls isn't it?" Sheri said as more of a question.

"Yeah, which isn't looking too good for us because they somehow beat us every time we play against them," Jessica sighed as she rolled her eyes.

"It's because the guys on our team are too full of themselves and then their ego get in their way of their ability to actually play the fucking game," Sheri muttered. "Except for Scott of course." Sheri wiggled her eyebrows at me.

I glared at her and took a bite of my pizza, "oh shut up."

Jessica perked up, "still have a thing for Reed huh?" She smirked, "although I'm assuming you still haven't talked to him once yet."

I shook my head, "no, it's not like he likes me back."

Sheri and Jessica looked at each other for a moment, then looked back at me and laughed.

"You're joking right?" Sheri asked surprised. "Have you not seen how he looks at you when he's playing on the field? The damn kid can't take his eyes off of you."

"I can't believe you haven't noticed," Jessica laughed.

"You guys are messing with me."

"Yeah, okay. Just watch him tomorrow during the game," Sheri told me. "You'll see."


The next day went by quick and it was now three in the afternoon and the game starts in forty five minutes.

The rest of the cheer girls and I practiced our routine a few more times and soon enough the game was about to begin.

The cheer team always opens the game as the baseball team gets prepared on the field.

Jessica, being the captain, started the chant.

"Give me a T!" She yelled to the crowd.

"T!" The crowd yelled back.

"Give me an I!"
"Give me a G!"
"Give me an E!"
"Give me a R!"
"Give me a S!"

"What's that spell?!" Sheri yelled.

"TIGERS!" The crowd cheered enthusiastically.

Then some music played and we did our first routine.

That's when I noticed Scott looking at me. He seemed more shocked than I was at the fact that I had noticed him looking at me.

He blushed and quickly turned away and went over to the benches.

The game finally began and I watched Scott intently, noticing every so often that he would turn to look at me.

I leaned over to Jessica and whispered, "you were right about Scott."

Jessica smirked, "told ya. You should talk to him after the game." She suggested.

My eyes widened, "not a chance. Who do you think I am?" I laughed.

She shrugged and laughed along, "suit yourself."


The game came to an end with our team winning surprisingly. The boys were now packing to their things and so was the cheer team.

All of the guys has begun to leave but Scott lingered behind and I watched as he nervously fumbled with his hands.

After a couple seconds of what looked like intense thinking he shook out his hands and walked over to me.

"Hey," he smiled.

I smiled back nervously, "hi. You uh, played really good out there."

"Thanks." He blushed. "For once it seemed like the guys were really trying," Scott laughed lightly. "Don't tell them I said that though."

I laughed, "don't worry, I can keep a secret." I paused for a moment before speaking up again, "so um, why'd you come over here?"

Scott's gaze immediately dropped to the ground. He took a deep breath, "I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go out tomorrow night to Monet's?" He asked softly.

"Really?" I replied in shock.

"If you don't want to tha—"

I cut him off quickly, "no, no! I do, I was just surprised, I didn't think you liked me."

He tilted his head in confusion, "what made you think that?"

I shrugged, "I don't know. I guess cause I'm not your cliché popular girl," I said quietly.

"Well, maybe that's what I like about you." He smiled. "So I'll pick you up at seven tomorrow, okay?"


And with that, he turned around trying to hide his blush and walked away.

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