Tyler (Requested Imagine)

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Sorry for any spelling errors I usually read them over once to check but I miss some sometimes...
       Requested by: megggyyy255

I don't stay after school everyday. I only stay Tuesdays and Wednesdays to tutor a grade nine in science.

We had just wrapped up and I was walking to my locker, passing by the guys bathroom on the way.

You definitely didn't have to have super hearing to hear what I heard while walking past.

It sounded weird, like muffled cry's of pain along with the added sound of people yelling, meaning there was definitely more than one person in that washroom.

I continued walking to my locker, wondering what in gods green earth was happening in there. Although, considering it was the guys washroom I wasn't allowed in there to see, but honestly I don't know if I even wanted to.

I pretended to mind my own business, trying to stall the best I could so I could see who would be coming out of the washroom.

Since my locker was around the corner from it, I could hear the squeaking door open and would be able to peek around the corner without anyone seeing.

Once I heard the door open, I placed my bag gently on the ground and peered around the corner, letting me get a full glimpse of my ex, Montgomery de la Cruz, along with a few of his friends. That's when I definitely knew something bad had been going on in there.

Not long after, I heard the door open again, revealing Tyler Down. He looked awful. His face was stained with tears, bright red, and he looked almost illy traumatized if that makes any sense at all.

Something was definitely off, you could tell just by looking at him. Something very very bad happened to him in there and it wasn't hard to tell.

I watched him walked down the hall, looking as if he was in pain, and exit the school.

I picked up my bag, shut my locker, and walked out to my car.

Once I got there, I sat in the drivers seat for a few minutes wondering what to do. Technically it wasn't any of my business, but I still heard something and saw people walking out of the washroom, therefore it makes me somewhat of a by-stander.

I grabbed my phone from my backpack and was about to dial Monty's number until I realized that it might be better to not let him know I know anything because he might do something to Tyler again.

   I decided instead I would call Clay, and casually ask if Monty ever had anything against Tyler.

   "Well, him and Cyrus wrecked the baseball field a while back and then got the teams season suspended. Why?" Clay asked through the phone.

   "No reason, I just saw Monty getting a little aggressive with Tyler and wondered what it could've been about considering he's only been back for a day," I lie. "That's it I guess. I'll see you tomorrow."

   "Alright, by Y/N."

   "Bye Clay, thank you," I said before hanging up.

   Well, getting the season suspended is definitely something that would really piss of Monty. He used to rant to me about how the team was all he really had and going to games made him feel like he actually belonged somewhere and that he was needed. So losing it probably killed him.

   But that's no excuse for doing whatever he's done to Tyler.


   It was now Thursday and the end of last period bell had just rang, meaning I could finally try to talk to Tyler.

   Although, I didn't have much time since the school dance was tonight and I had to go get ready at three with Jess.

   I walked out of the school and saw Tyler walking to his car.

   I ran over to him and called his name. He turned around and stared blankly at me, "could I um—talk to you?" I asked.

   "Sure?" He responded in more of a questioning voice.

   We walked over to the side of the school where no one was.

   I took a deep breath before letting the words fall from my lips, "I saw you leave the guys washroom yesterday after school. I um—heard some things too and then I saw Monty and some of his friends leave," I rambled on. "Anyway, my point is: are you ok?"

   Tyler's eyes widened in horror, "um, I'm—yeah—I'm fine."

   "Tyler, I heard yelling and like muffled cries. Obviously something happened. I know how Monty can be, I dated him for a year," I told him.

   "I'm fine, Y/N. Leave it alone," he grumbled then turned around and rushed back to his car.

   Something definitely happened and I know it certainly wasn't good.

   I watched Tyler speed off down the road, his tires making light screeching noises along the way.

   I decided to not budge any further and just go to Jessica's house earlier than planned.


   It was now twenty minutes into the dance, and I was driving Jess and Alex and I to the school.

   I decided to take a short detour past Tyler's house and that's when I saw something that made a shiver down my spine.

   I watched through my car window, into the living room window of Tyler's house and he loaded a huge gun and then packed a few small guns into a duffle bag.

He walked outside, put the bag in his trunk and then walked back inside.

"Y/N? What are we doing outside of Tyler Down's house?" Alex spoke up.

"He's gonna shoot up the school," I whispered.

"Huh?" Alex asked not hearing me.

"Tyler's going to shoot up the school during the dance," I said in shock.

"Y/N that's absurd. Why would you even say that?" Jessica questioned.

I shook my head, "something—something happened between him and Montgomery in the washroom yesterday. I didn't see but I heard and saw them leave. It didn't look good."

I saw Alex roll his eyes, "come on Y/N, you're just over thinking."

I pointed out the window, "look." There Tyler stood, holding the large gun I saw only moments earlier, and stuffing it into his trunk as well.

"Maybe he's just going to a shooting range?" Jessica suggested.

Alex scoffed, "you don't bring a gun that big to a shooting range. They have guns there for you," he stated.
"Do you really think Tyler would shoot up the school?"

"I don't know, but I think we should call Clay and let him know just in case," I said. Alex pulled out his phone and called Clay just as I saw Tyler pull out of his driveway and drive in the direction of Liberty High.

Alex quickly told Clay what I thought was going on and I sped down the street, trying to catch up with Tyler.

I got to the school just as Tyler got into Tony's car, leaving Clay standing there in absolute shock and fear.

Justin ran out of the school and over to Clay, "this is fucked up right?"

"Yeah," Clay mumbled and stared down at the gun in his hand.

"So what do we do now?" Justin asked looking around.

"I don't know," I answered.

Maybe I'll make a small chapter with facts about me or something once all my requests are done if you guys want to know some stuff about me

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