Monty (Requested Imagine)

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              Requested by: howudoing1

   "Jamie, don't forget we got practice after school today!" My best friend Sheri told me as she made a quick stop at my locker.

   "I know, I know. I'll see you after class," I told her walking away.

   "Don't be late this time!" I heard her yell from behind me.

   I chuckled and turned around to answer her, "I'll try not to be! Don't count on it though!"

   I walked to my last class of the day, biology, and sat at my usual desk.

   I opened up my notebook and grabbed a pen from my pencil case when I heard Montgomery call my name.

   "Yeah?" I asked turning to face him.

   "You got softball practice today?" He asked.

   "Yeah, why?"

   He smirked, "I have baseball practice today too, maybe I could sneak by and watch you practice," he suggested.

   I rolled my eyes, "whatever Montgomery," I responded and turned back around to face the front of the class.

   Internally though my heart was beating a mile a minute. I have a slight crush on Monty, so him saying he was going to stop by and watch me practice was kinda sorta a big deal for me.


   Biology ended and I quickly ran to my locker to grab my softball uniform.

   I got changed in the girls locker room and made sure to be on time for practice this time. Which surprising I was.

   The coach hadn't shown up yet so Sheri and I sat on the grass field doing some stretches to pass the time.

   "So," I trailed off. "Monty told me he wants to stop by today and watch me practice," I told Sheri.

   Sheri stretched her arm down to her foot and looked at me shocked, "you're kidding?"

   "Nope," I said, copying her actions. "I doubt he will though, you know Monty. All flirt but no real intention."

   Sheri shrugged sitting up straight, "you never know, maybe he really likes you."

   I scoffed, "ha, sure. More like he just wants to get in my pants so he's trying to impress me to lure me in."

   "Oh come on," Sheri rolled her eyes.


   "Alright girls!" My coach yelled as she walked onto the field. "You all know your positions so get into them and we'll begin practice!"

My team and I got into our correct spots as our coach began telling us the things we were going to be working on today.

I wasn't really paying attention, solely because all of my focus was on the fact that Monty may or may not be stopping by to watch me play.


   Practice went by slowly and coach told us we were going to keep playing for another ten minutes.

   Then, out of the corner of my eye I see Monty. He was walking towards the bleachers with Zach, Bryce, and Scott. I mentally cursed knowing I'd have to put in a lot of effort to make sure I looked good.

   I was pitching for the last bit practice so I stood at my base ready to play one last round before practice was over.

   I threw the ball at Sheri who was batting but she missed.

   The ball got passed back to me and I threw it again.

   I heard a few whistles from behind me and my cheeks burned slightly as I blushed knowing it was Monty who whistled.


Practice was now over and I could see Monty and the other guys chatting away on the bleachers about who knows what.

I walked to the bench where I put my bag and my water bottle and chugged down basically the entire thing of water.

"Shit, Jamie can play really well," I heard Zach say.

"I know, I gotta come by and watch her play more often," Bryce added.

"Okay but can we talk about how fucking good her ass looked in those pants?" That was definitely Monty. I know who's saying those snarky remarks when I hear them.

"I'd hit that no problem," Bryce responded.

"Back off, Walker. The only one who's gonna be 'hitting' that ass, is me," Monty snapped.

I packed up my bag after eavesdropping on their conversation and began walking to my car.

I heard the rumbled of the metal bleachers as someone ran down them from behind me.

"Jamie! Wait up!" Monty called from behind me.

I turned around swiftly and gave him a small smile, "enjoy the practice?"

He smirked, "very much."

I nodded, "good. So what's up?"

"I was wondering if you'd want to may hangout sometime?"

"Sure, sounds like fun," I chirped. "Now if you'll excuse me I gotta get going."

"Okay meet me here after school tomorrow then," he told me.

I nodded and turned back around and started walking again.

"Jamie?! Did you here me say that you have a nice ass?!" Monty yelled from behind me.

I chucked loudly and shook my head, "yep! Thanks for the compliment!"

Sorry this took so long!

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