Justin (Imagine)

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Bryce was harassing you in the hallway and Justin saw.


I had a spare period three, meaning I don't have a class. I went to my locker to put my books away, grabbing my backpack, then closing my locker shut.

As I was walking towards the door to leave I got pushed into the lockers. "Hey babe," I could hear the smirk clear in his voice. It was Bryce, my ex of 5 months.

"Bryce, let me go!" I growled, "come on, why do we go have some fun back at my place." He tried to kiss me but I turned my head away from him.

"Not gonna happen Bryce." I felt his left hand slide down to my ass, squeezing it. Sadly, I chose today to wear leggings, making it easy for him when he slid his hand down my pants, grabbing my ass once more.

I tried to wiggle my way out, but he kept a firm grip on me. "Bryce! Let.Me.Go!" I almost yell.

Since most people still had class the hallways were empty so no one could come help. Or at least that's what I thought. "BRYCE! What the hell are you doing!?" The voice of my best friend Justin was heard from down the hall.

I let out a sigh of relief, "nothing, me and Y/N were just having a little fun," Bryce said calmly, "right Y/N?" I felt him squeeze my ass again. That's when Justin noticed where Bryce's hand was.

He came sprinting down the hall and pushed Bryce to the ground. "Don't fucking touch her again!" Justin punched Bryce just as he got up off the floor.

He continued to throw more and more punches until I stopped him, "Justin, he's not worth. I'm alright let's just go." I pull him away from a now bloody and bruised Bryce Walker.

Once we got outside Justin pulled me into his chest. "Are you sure you're okay Y/N?" He asked concerned.

"I'm alright, a little shaken up but I'm good." I smile up at him, "what were you doing in the hallway anyway? You have class."

"I was gonna skip so I could hangout with you, I kinda wanted to tell you something." Justin scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"What is it?" He pulled me away from his chest and took my hands in his, "I've liked you for a few months now, and I wanted to know if you liked me back..." he trailed off.

I smiled, truth be told I've liked Justin since last year when we first started becoming friends. When he had that thing with Hannah, and dated Jessica, I was jealous. But I didn't wanna lose him as a friend because I was being petty.

I lost most feelings for him once I started dating Bryce, but after we broke up because of how much of a dick he was, all feelings for Justin came flooding back.

I brought my hand up to his cheek and kissed him softly, then pulled away. Right away he pulled me back in and kissed me with more passion.

"Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course I will Justin," I say softly, wrapping my arms around his torso and lying my head against his chest. He hugged me back and placed a kiss on my head.

Thoughts? I thought this one was alright.
ANYWAY, I saw Transformers The Last Knight and let mE TELL YOU! IT WAS GREAT!

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