Scott Reed (Requested Imagine)

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Requested by: zinis14

Having an older brother isn't the biggest problem in the world. I could definitely think of worse things. The definite worst being dating one of your older brother's best friends. That's my problem.

   "Scott Reed, I swear to god if you try and kiss me one more time in this damn hallway I will kick you so hard where the sun doesn't shine!" I scolded Scott while grabbing my math textbook from my locker.

   Scott and I have been dating for three months. I have been keeping my relationship with Scott from my brother for three whole months and let me tell you; when you have a boyfriend who is really into PDA, keeping it a secret is very hard.

   "Holllllyyyy, please!" Scott begged. "Just one kiss!"

   I shook my head at him and tried to shoo him away, "no! I don't know why you keep trying to kiss me when you and I both know you want this relationship to be a secret more than I do!" I retorted and slammed my locker door shut.

   "I know, but I just want to kiss you!"

   I sighed and told him to follow me. I peered through the window of one of the classroom doors and saw that it was empty. I quickly grabbed Scott's hand and dragged him into the empty classroom, leaving the lights off so no one would walk in.

   I closed the door behind us and sat on one of the desks, "one kiss mister and then we have to go to class," I reminded him playfully.

   Scott smiled at me and leaned in, placing a kiss on my lips. One kiss then turned into a full on make-out session.

   Suddenly the door opened catching us off guard, "no fucking way!" I heard a familiar voice blurt out.

   I turned to look over at where the voice came from and saw the one and only Montgomery De La Cruz, smirking from the doorway.

   "Monty please don't tell Jeff!" I pleaded quickly picking up my books and rushing over to him.

   "How long as this been going on for?" He questioned, completely disregarding what I had said to him.

   Scott spoke up from behind me, "three months." I spun around swatting him in the chest for answering Monty's question.

   "Damn! You're a sneaky one aren't you Holly," Monty smirked at me. "I didn't think you had it in you."

   I rolled my eyes, "whatever Montgomery, but please don't tell Jeff. Ok?"

   "Oh trust me, I don't want to have any part in this when Jeff finds out," Monty stated seriously. "You're gonna get your ass beat, Scotty boy." And with that, Monty walked away without another word.

   Scott and I both look at each other nervously.


   The day went by and Scott and I were still spooked about Monty knowing our little secret. Scott and I kept our distance the rest of the day, but once it came to the end, Scott wanted to be close to me again.

   Luckily, Jeff was staying after school today in the library so that Clay could tutor him, which meant the house was free for Scott to come over.

   Scott and I walked out to my car and drove to my house.


   It had been about a half hour since Scott and I got back to my house and we were cuddled up in my bed watching Netflix.

   "Holly, have I told you that you look really good today?" Scott asked suddenly.

   I rose an eyebrow at him and smirked, "no you have not."

   He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and smirked back, "well you look really good today," he stated.

   "Oh really?" I teased, snuggling closer to him. He made a "mhmm" sound and then leaned down and kissed me.

   It turned into another full blown make-out session with me in my shorts and a bra, and Scott in just his jeans and no shirt.

   Suddenly I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and I quickly pushed myself off of Scott, "fuck fuck fuck! Hide!" I whispered urgently.

   Scott's eyes widened and he ran into my closet, quickly shutting the door.

   Thank god he did that quickly because right after, Jeff sauntered into my room, "jesus Jeff!" I screeched, grabbing my sweatshirt off of the floor and covering my almost exposed chest. Jeff covered his eyes, "knocking would have been nice!" I suggested sassily. I told Jeff he could uncover his eyes after I put my top on, "so what did you need?"

   He walked over to my closet and my eyes widened. I sped over there placing myself in front of the closet door so he couldn't open it, "you still have my baseball hoodie. I need it back," Jeff insisted. "Can I get it or are you just gonna stand there?"

   I coughed from the nervous lump in my throat, "can I give it to you tomorrow?"

   Jeff shook his head, "no Holly. I need it today. The boys and I are going out with Coach later tomorrow morning to meet one of the baseball scouts and we need some type of team clothing to wear," he explained.

   "Well I've had it for a month now, you can live without it for today, I'll just give it to you tomorrow," I told him trying to act as casual as I could, but it's hard when you're hiding your shirtless boyfriend in your closet.

   "For god sake Holly! Just give me my damn sweater!" Jeff demanded as he began to get frustrated. Before I could react, he moved me aside and opened my closet, revealing Scott, "what the fuck?! Holly why the hell is Scott hiding in your closet?! Shirtless for that matter?!"

   "I- um- I...." I trailed off trying to make up an excuse but nothing came out.

   Scott gently stepped out of the closet, trying his best not to make eye contact with my brother. He stood beside me with his eyes glued to the floor.

   "Hold on," Jeff started. "You were shirtless when I walked in the room too," he clarified pointing at me. Then it all clicked for him, "holy shit, you're dating my sister." He mumbled, directing the statement towards Scott who looked up at him sheepishly.

   "Heh," I let out a nervous laugh as an equally nervous smile formed on both Scott and I's faces.

   Jeff continued to look back and forth between us, "ya know, it's all starting to make sense now," Jeff said. "Those casual but flirty looks between you two in the hallways. How Scott just randomly disappears at lunch or when he comes over here. I'm not even surprised anymore."

   "'re fine with it?" Scott spoke up.

   "I guess so?" Jeff answered questionably. "But hurt her and I hurt you. Are we clear?" Scott nodded at Jeff quickly. "Good," Jeff responded. "Now please put on a damn shirt," He told Scott before walking out of my room.

   I turned over to look at Scott and let out a huge breath I had been holding, "so that went well," I chuckled smiling at him.

   He pecked my lips and then smiled back, "it did and I'm so fucking glad cause now I can kiss you in the halls all I want!" Scott chirped excitedly.

   "God you're a dork," I rolled my eyes playfully before wrapping my arms around him and snuggling my face into his chest.

My imagines are getting so long now lmfao....anyway I have a week and half left of school!!!!!

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