Group Chat

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Blondie (Alex): so how'd the test for Bio go?

Zachy: Y/N cheated

Me: did not! Liar!

Zachy: mhmm cause you totally weren't making quick glances at my test every five minutes...

Clayyy: oooo the tea has been spilled. Never knew you were such a rebel Y/N!

Me: I call bullshit Dempsey!

Blondie: ha she probably gets it from Justin, he cheats on every damn test

Bro (Justin): fuck off Standall

Me: just cause me and J are twins doesn't mean we're the same

Zachy: that also doesn't mean you both don't cheat on tests

Me: screw off, why am I friends with you?

Bro: I wonder the same thing

Bryce: Yo guys, I'm throwing a party at my house tomorrow. You wanna come?

Me: Hell yesssssss!!!!

Bro: Hell nooooooo Y/N!!!! I'll ask Jess if she wants to come tho

Me: I'm going and you can't stop me Justin

Clayyy: I don't do parties so I'm good, I'm gonna stay home.

Blondie: yeah I'm gonna sit this one out

Monty: as long as Y/N's going I'm in

Bro: like hell you are stay away from my sister Montgomery

Zachy: .....he doesn't know?

Me: shut it Zach!

Bro: know what Y/N?

Clayyy: gotta love the sibling drama

Blondie: way to go Zach! Ruining siblings one step at a time I see

Bro: Y/N answer my damn question!

Bryce: well I'm gonna leave you fuckers to it...see ya

Monty: I'm really gonna get you for this one Zach

Zachy: I didn't mean to! I thought Y/N would've told him by now!

Bro: For fuck sake guys give me a fucking answer!

Blondie: Y/N and Monty are dating

Clayyy: well this conversation should go well...

*** ten minutes later*****

Zachy: Yo Justin where'd you go?

Monty: Justin you can try to get into my god damn house but I'm locking the doors so you can FUCK OFF!

Me: for god sake Justin leave Monty alone! I was the one who told him to keep it a secret!

Bro: for what fucking reason?!

Me: to avoid this you fucktard! And Monty's got in trouble enough for fighting I don't need him to get in trouble again for trying to fight my brother!

Zachy: she's got a point Justin

Blondie: Yeah

Clayyy: hell I'm glad I'm an only child

Bro: I can't fucking believe this

Monty: well believe it bitch

Me: Monty be nice!

Monty: sorry baby

Blondie: shit Monty never apologizes, you're fucking whipped man

Monty: am not!

Me: is that so Montgomery?

Monty: no! I didn't mean it like that!

Me: whatever.

Bro: this can't actually work out Monty's already pissed her off

Monty: fuck off Foley no one gives a shit

Bro: I do! That's my fucking sister you prick!

Zachy: alright alright take it easy guys

Blondie: Monty's a decent guy you know that J. Common, give him a chance

Monty: Y/N, babe I'm sorry. You know I didn't mean it

Y/N: just come over

Bro: alright now I'm leaving the house. Zach I'm coming to chill at your place

Blondie: we're going to Bryce's so meet us there

Me: guys Seth just came to the house can I go to Bryce's with you??

Zachy: of course

Monty: I'm coming to pick you and Justin up babe

Me: thanks Monty <3

Monty: I love you

Bro: alright if you guys are going to fucking date don't bring that love shit into the group chat

Clayyy: someone has a stick up their ass...

Bro: fuck you Jensen.

Me: he's still salty about his fight with Jess

Bro: whatever

Monty: I'm outside your house

Me: alright I'll see you guys in ten

I didn't know how to end this and I'm hella tired so sorry about the shitty ending

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