Jeff (Requested Imagine)

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          Requested by: Aritokurin

"Y/N, you're not going to the party wearing that," my boyfriend of a year, Jeff stated sternly as his eyes scanned over my black dress.

I scoffed, "I can wear what I please and if you're not going to be okay with it you can just not come with me."


I waved my finger sassily in his face, "my body my choice."

Jeff shut his mouth, knowing he wasn't about to start a fight with me about this.

I nodded at his silence, "let's go."

We walked out to my car and I drove us to Bryce's house.

Once we got there the house was already packed full of drunk teens dancing against each other.

Jeff grabbed my hand protectively as we walked inside.

"What do you want to drink?" Jeff asked me over the blaring music.

"Umm, vodka tonic?" I responded as more of a question.

Jeff smirked, "planning on getting shit faced once again?"

"God no, that was a wreck the next morning."

I followed him to Bryce's kitchen where I watched Jeff make my drink, handing it to me in the red solo cup soon after.

We walked to the backyard and Jeff went to play beer pong with the others.

I sat down on the edge of the pool, letting my feet rest in the blue lit water. I sipped my drink every so often, feeling the burning sensation run down my throat.

I'd probably sip this the entire party because last time I drank too much I ended up hunched over a trash can the next day for hours.

Plus, I needed to drive myself and Jeff home so I needed to be responsible.

   I continued to splash my feet with purple painted toe nails in the water, listening to the guys hollering as they played beer pong.

   Soon after a another game or two, Zach came to sit next to me while Jeff was still playing.

   "Whatcha drinking?" He asked taking a glance down my cup.

   "Vodka tonic."

   "It's almost empty, you want another one?" He asked me.

   I shook my head with a chuckle, "god no. Ones enough for me."

   "Light weight much?" Zach joked nudging my shoulder with his.

   "More like I'm the one who needs to drive home at three in the morning with her drunk as fuck boyfriend," I laughed, taking another sip of my drink.

   "Ah I see."

   Zach and I continued our conversation until Jeff came over and stopped us, "Zach why are you flirting with my girl?"

   Zach raised his hands in defence, "we were just talking man." Jeff glared at Zach, making him stand up, "ya know what? I'm feeling another beer, I'll see you guys later." With that, Zach ran off into Bryce's house.

   I stood up, dusting off my dress, "you didn't have to be such a dick Jeff."

   Jeff just rolled his eyes in response, "he was flirting with you Y/N. This is why I told you not to wear that damn dress."

   I was about to argue with him when I got an idea.

   I smirked at Jeff, making him stare at me in confusion as to why I wasn't arguing with him.

   "Well then why do you take it off of me?" I questioned seductively.

   I could see Jeff's breathing hitch for a moment before smirking back at me.

   He grabbed my hand, making me drop what was left of my drink on the ground.

   He rushed us into Bryce's house and through the crowds of people.

   We got to the stairs, passing Bryce on the way up.

   "Aye! Use any other room but the guest room for that shit and I'll beat your ass Atkins!" Bryce yelled at us jokingly.

   I giggled before Jeff pulled me into the guest bedroom, locking the door behind him.

Jeff pushed me up against the wall, letting his hands roam down the curves of my body.

I grabbed his face with both of my hands, smashing his lips onto mine.

Slowly, while we continued our heated make-out, we walked over to the queen sized bed.

   Changing the pace, Jeff pushed me roughly onto the bed, letting his body hover over mine.

   His eyes ran up and down my body and I could feel myself getting more impatient by the second.

   "Jeff," I dragged out. "Please—do something."

   I saw the faint smirk on Jeff's face through the dimly lit room.

   "What do you want me to do baby?" He asked lowly.

   (I need holy water right now people...I'm so bad at writing this shit I stg)

   Jeff already knew the answer to that question as he began sliding off my black skin right dress, leaving me in my burgundy lace bra and panties.

   He stared and admired my body for a few moments before trailing kisses from my neck and down to my stomach, leaving hickeys every few kisses.

   "Fuck," I breathed out along with a small moan.

   I began moving my hands upward to remove Jeff's dark blue shirt, revealing his toned body.

   He removed his pants before kissing me roughly once more.

   He pulled away, leaving me breathless.

   "Who's are you?" Jeff asked.

   "Yours," I replied quickly.

   "Oh really because it didn't look like that downstairs," he began. "Tonight, I'm going to make it clear that you are mine, do you understand?".

   I nodded my head quickly, wanting nothing more than to have him touch me.

   "Use your words baby girl," Jeff stated.

   "I understand."

   Jeff smirked once again.

   "Good," he growled, beginning to let his fingers travel down my body to the waist line of my panties.

That was a lot of hot and steamy for me to write holy mother of god....

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