Monty (Requested Imagine)

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Requested by: @WweValeLovesIt

You get your period while sleeping in Monty's bed and Monty is a little grossed out.

I was over at Monty's house after finishing my shift at the restaurant I work at. Monty left about ten minutes ago to go hangout with a few of the guys.

It was about eight thirty pm and I started to drift off to sleep.

About almost two hours later I got up from the comfort of Monty's bed and walked to the washroom. It took me a couple of minutes for me to realize that I had gotten my period and had leaked through my pants, which meant it was on Monty's bed sheets too.

I rushed out of the bathroom only to see that Monty had see the bloody disaster that had occurred all over his blue bedsheets. "Shit," I muttered under my breath, Monty heard and turned around to look at me.

"Babe what happened? Are you okay?" He asked urgently. I nodded, "I got my period while I was asleep," I explained.

A look of utter disgust crossed over his face, "that's fucking nasty Y/N."

I scoffed, "I'm sorry, it's not like I meant to," Monty rolled his eyes, "yeah, but you could've just gotten up before it happened, now my sheets are probably stained."

"Are you really trying to argue with me about this Monty? It's not like I knew it was gonna just show up while I was sleeping!" I spat, I actually can't believe we are having an argument about this.

He started pulling off the pillows off of his bed as well as his comforter, and stripped off the bed sheets, "but you probably knew it was gonna come today at some point! You should've put a towel down or something!" He threw the sheets on the floor, "fuck, now I have to buy new sheets," he mumbled under his breath.

He took the sheets to the laundry room and I followed along down the hallway, "For christ sake Monty! If I had of put a fucking towel down and the towel got bloody you still would've gotten mad at me!" I fought back, "ohhhh my poor towel! Now I have to buy a new one!" I mocked him, "have a little heart Monty!"

He scoffed, "whatever Y/N." I came to the point of being so frustrated with him that I decided to just go home. I stormed out of his house and got in my car.

I can't believe he had the audacity to actually be mad at me for that. I understand that I ruined his sheets and I feel bad for that but he needs to understand that I had no clue that would happen.

I dragged myself into my house, changed out of Monty's pj pants I stole while in his washroom and into some shorts, and flipped down on the couch, "what's crawled up your ass and died?" My older brother, Jeff, asked standing in the kitchen doorway.

"Monty is being a pain in the ass," I grunted, "like who the fuck does he think he is??" I ask as if my brother knows the problem I'm having.

"Well, I'm not sure but I can go kill him if you want," he joked, "nah man, it's fine," I sighed.


It's been an hour and it's now eleven fifty six pm. Monty hasn't called, or texted so I'm assuming he's still having a fit.

I was watching 2 Broke Girls, when I heard my doorbell ring. I was too lazy to go open it so I let Jeff go answer it, "what do you want?" I heard him ask.

"I just- I just wanna talk to her." It was Monty, "well she seems pretty upset about whatever it is that happened, I don't kno-" I cut him off, "just let him in Jeff, it's alright," I say softly.

Monty walks in and sits down beside me with a grocery bag, "I'm really sorry Y/N. I shouldn't of acted the way I did, I was just kinda freaked out I guess? I mean, I've never been in that situation before so I just...." he scratched the back of his neck.

"What made you come here?" I ask, "well once you left, my mom had come home and saw me trying to figure out how to remove the stain and she instantly knew what happened. She asked where you were and when I told her what happened she was upset at how I acted. She told me to come see you, which I was already planning to do once I finished washing the bed sheets," he explained, I smiled making a mental note to thank his mom the next time I saw her.

He handed me the plastic bag, "I also bought you these." I opened the bag and took out three tubs of my favourite Ben and Jerry's ice cream, sour gummy worms, banana marshmallows, and some ginger ale because apparently it helps with cramps.

I sat on his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck, and kissed him softly, "thank you baby." He pulled away and grinned, "what?" He reached behind him and pulled out a set of bedsheets, "I couldn't get the stain out, just so ya know." I just chuckled and kissed him again.

"Anyway, back to me thanking you, you didn't have to buy me all of this but I'm excited to eat all of it!" I smiled brightly at all the snacks.

He pulled me closer to him, "anything for you baby girl."

I hope this was alright!!!

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