Zach ( Requested Imagine)

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*mild sexual assault part*

Requested by: Pez_52

   I had never suspected anything off about any of my boyfriend's friends. Mind you, I never actually hung out with them unless I was with Zach.

   Unfortunately my feelings were incorrect with one of Zach's best friends.

*****flashback to 1 month ago*******

   "Zach?!" I yelled pushing past a crowd of people as I tried to look for my boyfriend.

   It's Friday night and Zach insisted that we go to a party that some guy on the basketball team was throwing.

   I'm not usually one for parties full of drunk people and loud music but I had no other plans so I decided to go.

   My mistake.

   "Yo Y/N!" I turned to my left and saw Zach's friend Bryce walking up to me with a red solo cup in hand. "Where you goin?"

   I laughed, "I'm looking for Zach who seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth," I replied.

   "I think I saw him a couple of minutes ago," Bryce told me. "Here follow me," he insisted as he began to walk down the hallway in front of us.

   I followed Bryce and entered a small bedroom at the end of the hall. Before I could ask where Zach was, seeing as he wasn't in the room, Bryce quickly locked the bedroom door and smirked at me.

"B-Bryce? What are you doing?" I stuttered quietly.

"We're gonna have some fun," he said lowly and stepped closer to me.

I tried to push past him to leave but he grabbed my wrist harshly, "Bryce, p-please let me go."

Bryce pushed me down onto the bed, "come on Y/N, Zach is probably off somewhere with his tongue down another girls throat," he slurred putting the red cup down on the nightstand. "He won't even care what we do in here." He places his hand on my thigh and began moving his hand up and down my leg.

I pushed myself back farther up the bed to try and get away from him but it didn't work. Bryce pulled me back down the bed by my legs and started to unbutton my jeans.

He began to kiss my neck and as I tried to push him away he got angry and slapped me across the face. Anger began to build inside of me and I found enough strength to kick him in the stomach. I quickly raced to unlocked the door and ran out of the room and through the crowd of people.

I wasn't drunk and hadn't had any alcohol so I got into my car and sped home.

********end of flashback**********

   After the party I had texted Zach and told him I wasn't feeling good so that's why I left early.

   After the incident I didn't go to school for two weeks. I was too afraid of seeing Zach there to even step foot inside the school of twelve hundred students.

   It has now been a month and I've been back for two weeks and it's been tough. I continue to put on a brave face but no one knows what happened that Friday night. Not even Zach.

   The week after it happened I felt so depressed and alone so I just told the entire story in my small journal to release all my thoughts. It helped for the most part but I still wasn't fully myself again.

   Zach was coming over today to hangout and I decided to have a shower before he got here.

   I hopped in and after around five minutes I heard my front door open and assumed it was Zach so I continued to take my time in the shower.

   After I got out I got dressed and went back to my room. That's where I saw Zach. He was sitting on my bed with my journal in his hands.

   When he heard me walk into my room he looked up at me with tears in his eyes, "please tell me that this isn't true," he begged.  I stayed silent and looked down at the floor, "Y/N, please tell me this didn't happen."

   I sighed heavily as tears began to roll down my cheeks, "I-I can't," I stuttered.

   Zach threw the journal behind him and rushed over to me. He pulled me into a tight hug and let me cry into his chest, "I'm so sorry this happened to you baby, I shouldn't have left you alone at that party! I'm such a terrible boyfriend," he scolded himself.

   I pulled away from the hug and looked up at his teary eyes, "Zach this is in no way your fault. Don't blame yourself," I tell him softly, wiping the tears away from his face.

   He kissed my forehead and pulled me back into another hug, "he's not getting away with this, Y/N. I don't care if you don't want to do anything about it but I will because what he did was disgusting," Zach muttered.

   "Can we just go to bed? I'm tired and I don't really wanna think about this again." He stayed silent and I knew he wanted to talk more about it and deal with Bryce this instant. "Please?" Zach sighed giving in and then nodded softly.

   We walked over to my bed and snuggled up under the blankets


   The next day Zach saw Bryce and the other guys hanging out in front of the school. Immediately Zach marched over to Bryce and punched him square in the face.

   Bryce fell to the ground and Zach got on top of him and began throwing more punches to Bryce's face.

   Once a couple of the guys pulled Zach off of Bryce, Zach began to yell at him, "if you ever lay a hand on Y/N again, I will break every bone in your fucking body," Zach spat furiously. "Do I make myself clear?"

   Bryce stood up and nodded quickly, wiping his bloody and probably broken nose.

   Zach rushed back over to me and wrapped his arm around me protectively, "he is never coming near you again. I promise baby," Zach said.

   I smiled lightly at him, "thank you, Zach."

   "Don't thank me, Y/N. He deserved a lot worse for what he did to you."

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