Zach Pt.1 (Requested Imagine)

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        Requested by: anonymous

   It was unexpected when it happened.

   My day was going on normally: I woke up, my parents were in the kitchen making breakfast, I ate, went to school, drove home, did my homework, ate dinner.

   But something was off. My mom never misses dinner. She gets off work at four and it takes her an hour and a half to get home and then we eat dinner together.

   It's never changed. Except for on November 17th.

   I was getting ready to go to finish my homework after dinner and my dad got a call from the nearby hospital.

   My mom had died in a car accident.

   My dad was on the phone with the doctor and I guess he told my dad that it was fatal and he didn't think my mom had much time left before she passed.

   We were both a mess on the way to the hospital. We were there for an hour before we heard her heart monitor flatline.

   Months went on and I soon began to get better. I knew she would always be with me and would want me to let go. That's what helped me slowly move on.

   But my dad though, never seemed to move on. For him, as months went by, his anger towards the person who killed my mother progressed.

   He spent most of his days drinking and passed out on the couch.

   I tried to ignore him but soon after he began taking his anger out on me.


   I would wake up and sneak out of the house and drive to school an hour early so I could get dressed there because if my dad heard me in the house I would get hit.

   I joined as many clubs as I could at school just to have an excuse to stay at school later.

   I would get home and the minute I walked through the door my dad would start hitting me and kicking me and screaming at me.

Its been a year since my mom passed.

It's been hard living at home but I try to avoid being there as much as I possibly can.

No one knows about what goes on inside my home that looks so cozy and put together on the outside.

No one sees my inner self screaming for freedom and wishing and praying and crying for everything to soon be okay and be over with.

No one sees that bruises left on my body because they get covered by makeup every morning first thing when I wake up.

That was, until Zach Dempsey offered to drive me home.

It was Tuesday, which meant I had photography club for an hour and a half after school.

It was also basketball practice for the guys that was also an hour and a half after school.

"Here you go Mrs. Beverly," I said handing my comm tech teacher the camera. "Thank you for letting me use it again."

She smiled softly at me, a smile I rarely see except when given by her, "no worries hun. You know I trust you with it. Have a nice rest of your day, Y/N."

I smiled back, "thanks I will. You too." Oh if only she knew what awaits for me at home.

I walked out of Mrs. Beverly's classroom and down the hallway to the doors of the school.

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