New Morning Same Thing

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Gen Pov Time Skip 7 hours 

I wake up and go to the bathroom after knocking on the door like a drummer to make sure no one was inside. I entered and brushed my teeth, put on deodorant, and some cologne before entering my room and putting on my suit and gas mask. I then left the room after saying good morning to a waking Neo. I entered the kitchen and poured my self some cereal and ate it, before going out side for a jog, need to wake up my body some how. I jog around saying good morning to anyone who was awake, which mind you it was 6:00 AM so it was early, but with Beacon, I got used to it. I then got home and sat on the couch opening the new scroll I got from entering Mishrel. I started watching movies till it was 9:00 AM. Everyone started walking into the kitchen, one by one Weiss was the last one in. "You're late to class Weiss, you should wake up earlier" I said jokingly as Neo made a motion to giggle, Nora laughed and Weiss groaned in a joking way. We made breakfast as we joke around like the way it was before beacon's fall. I then got up after finishing my breakfast and washed my dishes before going to my car. I open it to see about 2-3 weeks of food and water still inside. Should be enough if we have to go on foot again. Call me paranoid but, with what Ozpin has said, I might as well prepare for a failure and need to evacuation. "Mr. Gen" I heard behind me. I turn to see Oscar looking at me with Ozpin's voice. "Hey Ozpin." I said turning back to the car and checking up on its fuel and engine. "What are you doing here instead of with your friends?" Ozpin asked. "Always be prepared for all scenarios is a good thing right? Call me paranoid but, I'm preparing my car for evacuating incase things go wrong." I said back.

"That is a smart decision but, maybe you should spend your time with your friends why you still have the chance." 

"I know. I would refute but knowing you, you would bring up a mistake where you did the exact thing I am or someone else did the same thing as me." I sigh heavily before continuing. "The chances of all of us living are low, and Mishrel even lower." I sigh once more before saying "Im going after Raven. If Salem forces are any smart, they would attack soon after attacking Raven. And, I won't be standing here doing nothing." I then went inside to see Qrow inside drinking his flask. I stood behind him with my hands by my sides and said "Qrow." He stopped drinking before turning around and leaning back onto the wall. "Yeah. What do you want kid?" he asked.

"I want the location of Raven's Camp" I said calmly

"Why would you want that?"

"I'm going after her."

"OK. I alert the other-"

"No, by myself" I interrupted him.

"Why would you do that?"

"To show her I am not one to stop easily and if Salem's forces are there to prove I ain't dead."

"You sure?"

"I am positive."

"Alright. Here you go, don't get cocky." He then gave me his scroll. I nodded before going to my car. 

I get to my car and I see the cooler is gone, guess its inside. I open the trunk and I removed everything and put them in the house and replaced the items with a first aid kit. I started the car and I look up to see Yang coming out. She sees me and I nod to her before backing up and start heading to the camp.

10 minutes later

I'm following the path before I stopped and started to continue on foot. Mostly so I can't be heard. I then hear an engine, I turn to see a yellow bike. Yang. Figure she would follow me. She stopped her bike and got off. She walked towards me before stopping about a yard in front of me. We stay silent for a couple seconds, before I said "Well, one of two things happens now. You one force me to come back to you back to the house or you join me in getting your mother." "No" Yang said back.

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