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As I flew to the front lines, I stop near a military checkpoint near the wall. I walk in as I see a sergeant giving out orders out to the soldiers as they scale the wall to defend. The sergeant looks at me and says "I wasn't expecting you here. You should be near the middle of Mantle."

I look at her and I say "I fit more at the front lines. Now I have two questions. Where is there a minigun I can use and a grenade launcher I can use?"

She looks at me funny but then I hear "Over here." I turn to see a soldier pointing to a truck, fill with heavy weapons. "Aye. Those will do." I say before grabbing a minigun with a back-pack full of dust in my left hand and a grenade launcher on my right. 

"You shouldn't be grabbing those." The sergeant said. I look at her before saying "None of this should be happening. Now if you excuse me, we both got a job to do." I then jump over the wall and land a few feet infront, the snow crunching beneath my feet as I walked forward. The horizon is now blackened by a massive number of Grimm. We are going to need all the help we need. I drop the grenade launcher and open my scroll. I look at Pyrrha's contact before typing to her. I finish the text and I get a call from Ruby.

"Gen, where are you?"

"Frontlines. I was hoping that I can thin the herd out before they got in."

"Gen. That's suicide."

"Not the first time I did this."

"Gen. We need you to be here."

"Not for long."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I called in someone."

"Who? I mean... How?"

"Don't worry. You'll recognize them when you see them."

"No. But, how? There are no transmissions going in or out of Atlas due to the fall of Vale. The whole circuit is broken. How did you get in contact with the rest of Remmenant."

I stared into space, trying to find a way to explain that.

"I.... uhhh.... I more or less.... typed to someone we know."

"Who? Even if you did give them a message. The fall of the CCTS tower in Vale has cut everyone off. Why did you do that?"

I stare ahead of me.... Why did I do that? There is not even a chance they would recieve it, unless they are near Atla's CCTS tower. 

"I guess... I wanted to get some help." I said back to Ruby. It was partly the truth. I just ..... wanted some hope."

I hang up as I grab the grenade launcher and prepare to charge into the line of Grimm. For some reason, it felt a bit off to do this. I mean, I kinda expect someone to start blasting heavy or hip hop music right now. But, all I get for a chant is the sirens of the city behind me. And the beginning of a barrage of bullets behind me to the Grimm infront. I then charge ahead into the Grimm, firing both the minigun and grenade launcher in each of my hands. 

The best I can tell, is that about 1/4 or 1/2 of the Grimm charging shifted to me. The battle slowly shifted to be majority black and white with red eyes. The only sounds that I hear is explosions and gunfire as me and the soldiers on the wall try to resist the charging Grimm. Grimm decaying bodies start to pile up around me, making a massive tunnel of black particle around me is making it very difficult to see. Around me, the soldiers on wall fired round after round and launched explosive after explosive. Even then, I fired round after round, grenade after grenade, and smash and smack. Each burst of dust I launch at a Grimm either kills alot of them or cuts the thing into two. I get lacerated and hit by spines, but my aura is taking it. But, it most certainly not liking it. 

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