First Mission

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The door opens to an Atlas Facility, the reason of being here is to pick up something. I manage to get volunteered for the Search and Destroy mission of the Sabyr in the Sewers. I am followed by Weiss, who is looking around alot. We are greeted by a scientist who tells us to follow him. As we walk, we see though windows several devices being tested, like a shoulder mounted grenade launcher, an arm mounted shield, and even a walking turret. As we walk some scientist stop to look at us. At first I thought it was Weiss and so did she as she walked with a bit more bounce in her step. But then when she went farther than me I realized, they are looking at me. 

We enter a door and we see a massive workshop, specifically on armor. Chest plates, gauntlets, and helmets lay around in pieces or in whole. One of them see us and walks up to us. "Oh, didn't think you be here so soon. Um, we ... got the thing you need. Or rather, what you need Ms. Schnee."

"Just call me Weiss."

"Oh, Weiss. We got something that you need for you to complete your mission. Uh.... We ... need you to change."


"We can't let you go into the sewers looking like that." He pointed to Weiss' clothing. "It would get dirty and it takes over a week to remove the smell. Trust me. I know."

"Oh. Well, what is it that I need."

"This." He said before opening a door. Inside, on display was a suit of armor. A familiar suit of armor. Weiss looks at it before looking at me than back at the suit, then back at me. The engineer walks up and starts to explain. "This is the HEV Mark 8, Combat edition. Slimed down for movement and comfortability. It has been modified to have higher duty, air filters and fog lights attached to the helmet to allow increase visibility. It should be everything you need. Just get it on and we can transport you into the sewers."

Weiss looks at me, I shrug as she turns back and enters the room. The door closes as we wait for her to change. I look to the engineer and before I can say anything he goes off "It is a real pleasure and an honor to finally meet you sir."

"What do you mean?" I ask back.

"Well, we were .... I guess stuck on what to do for the Mark 8. But, when I saw the Vytal Festival, specifically when you were in the ring. I felt a spark of inspiration for the Mark 8. I got the old design for the mark 4 and upgraded it to Atlas standard and far more. The moto for it is actually 'the true Mark 4 upgrade'. I might have lost my job if it wasn't for you." He smiles as he rubs his head.

I stood there dumbfounded. I never thought in my life I would cause something like this. I rub the back of my head in response. 

Time Skip 10 minutes

I hear knocking on the door that Weiss was at. The engineer opened it Weiss steps out, the HEV suit seemed to fit her like a glove. Before I can say anything, she takes off her helmet, and starts grasping for breath. Weiss looks at me and says "How do you live with this? Its so loose and tight in the wrong areas. "

The engineer walks up to her and says "That's odd, it should be form fitting. Let me just..."  He pushes a button and the suit changes to her form. She looks down at herself before saying "Well, that better. Still, I'm not entirely sure about the helmet. It feels to tight around my head."

"Well, you do have a lot of hair, but I am sure you will get used to it over time, if not you can just stuff it down the back side of the under suit."

Weiss sighs before doing the engineer's suggestion. Slowly stuffing her loose hair into the under suit, I can tell that she got a shiver down her spine. She puts the head on and looks around before saying "Well, at least this is better." She takes it off before saying "Do I really need to wear this?"

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