Chapter 33: Friendships Fall

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Chapter 33: Friendships Fall

-----------Abigail's POV--------------

Royal screams my name, her voice echoing into the sky,  and she flings her body in my direction with a gust of wind. Her brown flats squish the practically plastic grass and her jet black hair flies behind her like a cape. Her pink floral dress flaps and I can see her bold blue eyes sparkle in happiness. 

"Abigail! I missed you girly!" She says as she takes her flailing arms and hurls them around my body. She squeezes so hard that I feel like a plastic tube of Crest toothpaste that's being squeezed to the last bit of blue substance. 

"Can't-breath," I was able to say before she lets me go. She squeals and stands back a bit to fully look at me, like I was a unicorn that just floated from the sky. 

"Wow, you look amazing! I'm just so happy to have you back girly! I missed you!" 

I laugh. "Ha-ha, I missed you too Royal," I say and smile. 

She squeals again and looks over to Adam, who is standing next to me, towering us both. She gives him a pointed look and he rolls his eyes. Then she laughs and gives him a short hug. 

"Oh goodness. Okay, so you've missed so much! Not really actually, never mind." All of a sudden, her face becomes solemn. "I heard... about you know... Ellie and all..." 

I shake my head. I forgot: Miss. Claire Holt shared my entire past with the whole school. Taking a breath, I respond simply, "It's fine." 

Adam's hand slides onto my back and caresses me softly. Even through my soft cotton sweater, I could feel his crisp touch and my body responded with chills running up my arms. He gave me a humorous smirk and pulled me along as we follow Royal into the buzzing school. 

It was like the seas parted as we weaved through the crowd. The halls became silent as we walk through the twisted path and it seemed like a million pairs of eyes stared into my soul.

Goodness! You miss a couple fudging days and your whole secret life gets exposed to the whole school and people begin to look at you like you're from Mars. Which I am not. I'm from California, the opposite of- California's just like Mars, too hot to live on. Though you don't really live on California.

Okay, okay, whatever. Forgive me for trying to use correct grammar while trying to share my life with you. Gosh! 

There are sympathetic looks here and snaky looks in between, especially from the girls. I didn't really care what they thought or said. I was tired of caring what people thought. I mean, so what if I had a stuffed elephant named Ellie that went everywhere with me even at sixteen. 

Then it hit me. Ellie was no longer with us. I slipped my fingers into my bag and come in touch with the fuzzy key-chain that Adam gave to me. A smile plays onto my lips and a peaceful sense of calmness washes over me. It's going to be okay. 

The sharp clicking of tall heels burns my eardrums and a wave of anger practically drowns me. That beach...

What?  I still don't curse. It's bad, remember? 

A soft rush of quiet sobs sprints by me as Claire comes into view. My head whips around to see who ran by so quickly but I only caught a sight of a blue blazer trailing behind the runner. I want to walk up to Claire, tell her off, and slap her perfectly overdone make-up off her face but I spin on my heels and began following that sudden breeze of sadness. 

Adam jogs after me and I swerve through the immense crowd of students. They all give us odd looks but continue of their ways. I sense a movement to my left and hear a faint sniffle. With quiet feet, I walk over to where the unknown sound originated from. 

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