Chapter 6: Jail Time

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Chapter 6: Jail Time





---Abigail's POV---





The bell rings and I practically jump onto Adam's back. He spins quickly and drags me out of the classroom before I can start yelling. Pretty smart guy if you ask me.

He drags me to my locker and plants me in place. I decide that I'll go easy on him. Nice, easy, sweet. Yeah, right after he no longer has a nose because there'll be so much blood on his face, you won't tell the difference.

"Don't you have to go to your locker?" I prompt sweetly, and he grins. He thinks he's getting off easy.

"No, I have all my stuff right-" But he doesn't finish the sentence before I cut him off. And I'm all up in his bubble too.

"I agreed to do what you want and I get Ellie back, not to make a fool of myself trying to be your fake girlfriend. You know how much trash I'm going to get? In one week, the new girl and Adams Carness are taking it steady. What am I suppose to change my Facebook status to now huh? From single to 'its complicated'? What about Ms. Claire Holt and Lena Gale? Aren't they your girlfriends?" He gives me a confused and pointed looks before replying.

"There are so many questions I don't know which ones to answer." I narrow my eyes and my hands are latching onto my hips. He throws his hands up in surrender. "Ok, ok! I'll explain as much as I can...after school. Meet me at Taco Bell at 4," he says and waves.

He begins to stroll through the hall crowded with big brains. I shout after him, "But I don't have a ride!"

He turns back, shrugs, and yells "Find one!" And then he's gone in the mumble jumble of class changes. Where am I gonna find a ride? Pickles and Gravy.

It'll be embarrassing for Gran to take me. I can just see the look of pure amusement on Adam's face when he sees me getting dropped off by a 55 year old women.

It's too far of a walk and Gran's bike tire is broken. How am I gonna find a ride? Or I could just take Gran's car for a little bit. She won't even notice and I'll drive super slowly and carefully.

All this thinking is making me hungry. I head over to bio where Royal is waiting for me with an empty seat beside her. She waves me over with a smile and bright eyes.

I tell her about Adam and all she says is, "Don't fall too hard." At first I don't understand. Don't fall off this stool? Don't fall off the edge of the earth? Don't fall and break your face? But after ten minutes of watching the clock, it clicks.

Don't fall in love. Pff. Like that would ever happen. He's a golden boy, I'm a crazed girl with a monkey brain. He would never peel a banana like me. See what I did there? Banana, monkey brain, no? Ok.

And why would Royal say that? I let it go, just like Elsa (with the dress and crazy hand movements and everything). No use in thinking more about it.

We're dismissed for lunch and I again, had a unhealthy meal. Honey Buns, a cheese wrap (healthy, see?), donuts and fruit loops. But it'll all help me think. About life, what's bigger than life, why was my hairbrush full of grey string of hair this morning (though I know it was Gran).

As we're eating, Adam slips by our table slipping a small piece of paper into my lunch bag. He doesn't stop to say hi or a smart remark, he just drops off this paper.

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