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Chapter 88

A/N - Hey there! Sorry for not updating on Thursday, I was too excited for Love Again all day that I forgot, then on Friday I was busy streaming Love Again so I forgot, then it was my birthday on Saturday, and then by Sunday I figured I might as well wait until Monday lol.

Animal - Troye Sivan

(George POV)

*Several years later*

Reece, Blake and I finished our tour by running off stage of our sixth sold-out headline show at the O2 Arena. I was pumping with adrenaline and by the look of it, the boys were too. And god did Reece look good when he was sweaty. We're not sixteen anymore, but wow that man made me feel that way. 

I heard childish voices as we entered the backstage area. I turned to see two tiny children running towards me. I squatted down and put my arms out. Noah and Lily crashed into my arms. I lifted them both up and span them around as I hugged them tightly, they giggled loudly.

"Hey, you two." I said as I put them down before kissing the top of their heads.

"Daddy!" Lily said, lifting her arms up.

I picked her up and sat her on my hip. I leant forward and kissed mum on the cheek.

"Thank you for looking after them." I said, hugging her before I pulled away. 

"It was a pleasure." Mum smiled sweetly.

I turned and looked around, neither of the boys were in sight.

"Where did my beautiful husband go?" I asked no one in particular.

I turned and headed towards our dressing room. As I was walking I felt a small hand reach up and hold my own. I looked down to see Noah smiling at me. I squeezed his hand and smiled back. When I got to the dressing room, Reece and Blake were chatting about the show. Reece's eyes lit up upon seeing our little ones.

"Hey, my little munchkins." Reece grinned, kissing the pair on the forehead before pecking my lips. "You count as little." He teased me.

"F- Meanie pants." I said with a childish pout.

After five years I still hadn't gotten used to the whole not swearing in front of children thing. There have been quite a lot of almost slip-ups, but other than that we have been pretty good. Reece and I had talked a lot about adopting, but we wanted kids of our own so we opted for surrogacy. Although, we do plan on adopting in the future. Noah is five and has green eyes like Reece, and Lily is three with blue eyes like mine. I can't even describe how happy I felt when these two angels were brought into this world. Reece and I both cried, I can tell you that much.

"Who wants an ice cream?" Blake asked, taking a box of ice creams out of the mini freezer.

"Me please, uncle Blake!" Noah said as he ran to Blake.

Lily managed to squirm out of my arms to get down on the floor.

"Blake, no! They're not having ice cream at this time of the night, they won't get to sleep." Reece said, taking the box away from Noah.

"But dad!" Noah said.

"No buts, you can have one tomorrow." Reece said sternly.

Noah crossed his arms over his chest and Lily started crying. Noah was always one to throw tantrums at her age, Lily is usually wasn't too bad but every now and then she will throw a tantrum.

"Blake, you can deal with her, that was your fault." I told B.

"I didn't know ice cream stopped them from sleeping!" Blake defended.

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