I Want To Write You A Song

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Chapter 53

A/N - Hey! I know I said I wasn't going to update but I had a lil bit of spare time! If there's any typos I'm sorry, I'm extremely tired and I just edited it a lot so it hasn't been proofread. Anyway, enjoy!

I Want To Write You A Song - One Direction
"I want to write you a song, one as beautiful as you are sweet, with just a hint of pain for the feeling that I get when you are gone, I want to write you a song"

(George POV)

Reece and I had gone downstairs to watch TV, but neither of us were paying attention to what was on. Reece was half on top of me, kissing me like we were never going to see each other again. Pretty much as soon as I sat down Reece had pushed me into my back and started attacking my lips with his. I don't know what had gotten into us today, we couldn't keep our
hands - or lips - off each other. Jamie cleared his throat. I was too caught up in Reece that I didn't even hear him come in. Reece sat up and smiled at me. I quickly sat up and moved away from Reece.

"Hey dad." Reece said casually.

"Hi Mr. Bibby." I said awkwardly.

"What did you two get up to today?" Jamie asked.

I sat there quietly and let Reece do the talking. If I had tried saying anything I would've stuttered and screwed everything up.

"Went for a walk to clear my head." Reece said simply.

"You weren't out in the rain were you? You both could get sick." Jamie asked concerned.

"We were, but not for long. We had a shower as soon as we got home." Reece replied. "We had clothes on dad." Reece added seeing the look on Jamie's face.

Well, we almost didn't.

Jamie gave me an unimpressed look before asking Reece to meet him in his study.

I sat awkwardly on the couch for a few minutes waiting for Reece to come back. Reece gave me a reassuring smile and nodded his head towards the stairs as he walked out of the study. I stood up and followed Reece to his bedroom.

"Everything okay?" I asked as Reece shut the door.

"All good." Reece smiled, giving me a quick kiss. "He just wanted to know what what we actually did, he noticed how awkward you got."

"He could've asked what I like to eat on pancakes and I would've gotten awkward." I laughed.

"That's what I said." Reece laughed. He put his arms around my neck and kissed me softly.

"Hey, will you be alright now your dads here if I go home for a little bit? I'll come back so you're not alone for the night." I asked.

"I thought we were staying at yours tonight?" Reece questioned with a confused look on his face.

"We were, but I thought if you had another nightmare you'd prefer if you were here."

"You're so thoughtful. Yeah I'll be okay while you're gone." Reece smiled. "You can't take long though, I'll miss you too much." Reece said as he leant in and kissed my neck.

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