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Chapter 48

A/N - Hello! Okay I've made you wait long enough😂 I was going to wait until tomorrow but I thought that was a lil cruel, so here you go! Enjoy! Maybe.. :)

Sinners - Lauren Aquilina
"The world may disapprove, but my world is only you"

(George POV)

We sat in silence for a moment after Reece left.

"Look George, I'm not trying to scare you or make this awkward for you, I just want to make sure Reece doesn't get hurt. And I know it can be hard to say how you really feel when he's sitting there, that's why I asked him to leave." Jamie said, breaking the silence.

"Trust me, the last thing I want is to see Reece hurt. It kills me that I can't fix everything for him, that I can't make his nightmares stop. I would do anything to stop them. Anything to make sure Reece is happy." I said honestly.

"Would you though?" Jamie asked unbelieving. "I don't want you saying this to butter me up so I'm going to like you. I'm not going to like you for lies."

"I'm not lying." I sighed. "The first time Reece had a nightmare was horrible, I'd never seen someone so shaken up. I told him if he ever needed me to call me, no matter the time. The next morning at nearly four in the morning he called me. He was crying and scared.  He asked if I could come over, so I did. I never run, and if I have to, I barely last five minutes jogging. I left my house so fast I didn't even remember to put shoes on. I sprinted ten minutes straight to get to him as fast as I could. I had to make sure he was okay. And I would do it again in a heartbeat. I would risk my life countless times just to see him smile. I wouldn't do anything intentionally to hurt him."

"I hope so George, I really hope so." Jamie said sighing. "When was the last relationship you were in?"

"Probably over a year ago."

"How long were you together?"

"Only just over a month. It was with a girl, so I wasn't really interested."

"Then why did you date her?"

"I didn't realise I was- I didn't realise I liked boys then, I thought I would fall for her if I gave it a shot, but I didn't so I broke it off. I didn't want to string her along." I still couldn't say it. I know I'm gay, but I can't get myself to say it.

"When did you realise?" Jamie asked.

"When I met Reece." I remember.

"Did you not like any boys before him?"

"I did, but I thought they were just small crushes that every guy gets. I now realise they weren't."

"How did you know it wasn't with Reece then?" Jamie asked confused.

"What I feel for Reece isn't a crush. I'm falling in love with him." I said honestly.

I was a little worried about the reaction I was going to get. Jamie doesn't seem to like me.

"Okay." Is all he said. "Do you want kids?"

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