Half Way There

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Chapter 35

A/N - Yo! I hope y'all are doing better than I am. This chapters boring I'm sorry 😖

Half Way There - The Vamps
"We're somewhere between being friends and something else I really wanna be"

(George POV)

It was 10pm by the time I got home from Reece's, I stayed more than 'a little longer'. I was in bed, lying on my side. I still don't know how I feel. I'm more confused than when I thought I might've had feelings for him. I'm not in love with him, but I don't just like him either. All I know is I'm falling in love with Reece, and that scares the hell out of me. I've never felt like this before, not even close. What if he never feels the same way about me? If I keep thinking like this I'm never going to sleep. I sighed and rolled onto my back. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. An hour later I was still lying there. There's no chance of me falling asleep any time soon. I got out of bed and went downstairs to the kitchen. Ice cream would go good right now. I pulled out a tub of ice cream and a spoon. It was cookies and cream flavoured, just what I felt like. I'd been eating for a few minutes when mum came down.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"I couldn't sleep." I replied.

"And you thought eating ice cream would help?"

"Yep." I smiled.

"Go to bed, George." She laughed.

I put the ice cream back in the freezer and went back to bed. Hopefully I'll sleep this time.

"Wake up sleepyhead!"

I groaned and pulled my pillow over my head.

"C'mon, George, you never let me sleep." I heard Blake say as he ripped my pillow off me.

"That's on school days. And did you really have to wake me up? I was finally asleep." I said grumpily.

"Yes. Yes I did."

"Why are you awake so early on a Saturday?" I asked surprised.

"Dude it's ten."


"Ok, fair enough." Blake laughed. "Curiosity got the better of me."

"Uh oh."

Blake laughed. "So, are you and Reece together? I saw you two kissing yesterday."

"Oh." I said blushing. "No, we're not."

"So you two just kiss and hold hands and cuddle and all that fun stuff, but say your friends?"

"No, well sometimes. When I'm around him I lose all control over my body. I wasn't supposed to kiss him yesterday, but we both fell over, and he was so close. I couldn't stop myself. I feel bad stringing him along, but I can't stop myself."

"Then what's stopping you from being with him?"

"I'm falling in love with Reece, and if I'm with him, I know it won't take long until I will be in love with him. And that scares me. A lot."

"Being in love isn't a bad thing G. Is it because you'll be in love with a guy?"

"No, I've accepted that I'm gay. It's partly the whole coming out thing that scares me. If I'm with him do I have to tell my parents? I'm not ready for that! And I can't lie to them! I don't know what to do, I'm so confused Blake!" I said in a rush before putting my head in my hands.

Blake moved so he was sitting next to me and put a hand on my back.

"You don't have to tell anyone until you're ready, not even me okay? It's okay to not tell your parents and hide it from them and tell the occasional lie if you're not ready. They will understand. Look, we only live once, do you really want to regret waiting? I'm not telling you to go for it if you're not ready, I just don't want you living with regrets."

"I know. I just, I don't know what to do Blake." I said sighing. "Thank you for this though, it has helped a bit."

"Of course. Want to play some Fifa and get it off your mind for a while?" Blake asked.

"Yeah, that'd be great." I smiled. "Wait, you weren't here last night."

"You've only just noticed?" He laughed.

I laughed as I got up and pulled a shirt on before heading downstairs with Blake. Honestly, I couldn't ask for a better friend. He always knows what I need and when I need it. I'd be lost without Blake.

"No! Agh, screw you!" I said throwing a cushion at Blake.

"Yes! How many times have I won now?" Blake asked.

"Six. In a row." I said pouting.

I couldn't stay pouting for long before I burst into laughter.

"Want to play something else?" Blake asked.

"No. I'm determined to win." I replied.

"Fine, I'm happy to keep winning." Blake laughed.

"Nuh uh. I'm winning this time."

"We'll see about that."

It was 11pm before I finally won a game.

"Yes! I won!" I yelled.

"One out of how many?" Blake laughed.

"Why do you like to ruin my happiness?" I laughed back. "Hey, are you staying the night?"

"Nah man, I'm supposed to be home in ten. Remember what I said okay?" Blake said.

"Yeah, thanks. I don't know what I'd do without you." I said as I pulled Blake in for a hug.

Blake smiled at me before walking to the front door.

"See ya." Blake said as he closed the door.

After Blake left I jumped in the shower and just let the water pour over me for awhile. It was going to be another sleepless night. At this rate I was going to die from lack of sleep. I now get why girls say boys are confusing, they really are. I can't imagine how Reece feels, one minute I say I like him, but I don't want to be with him, then I'm kissing him, then running off again. Maybe I should just say I don't want to be with him and end things there, stop leading him on. But I really like him, I do want to be with him, but I'm not ready. Or am I?

Fuck feelings. Can't I just throw them out the window? Then a car can run them over. And dogs can eat them.

I think I'm sleep deprived, I've lost my mind. To be fair, I never had it in the first place. I turned the water off and went to bed. Maybe I was wrong and I will sleep tonight.

A/N - this is completely irrelevant to the story but I tried drawing with a pencil and paper and it is extremely hard and my hand is useless. Why am I so untalented?😂  I might update again later tonight. Have a good day/night wherever y'all are❤️

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