Treat You Better

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Chapter 40

Treat You Better - Shawn Mendes
"Give me a sign, take my hand, we'll be fine, promise I won't let you down, just know that you don't have to do this alone, promise I'll never let you down"

(Reece POV)

George kept kissing me any chance he got. It was great. I thought he would be shy around Blake but he definitely wasn't.

"I'm going to pee." Blake announced as he walked out of his room.

Once Blake was out of the room George was straddling me and making out with me. Turns out it's hard to make out when you're both smiling. George pulled back and laughed.

"This isn't working." George said still laughing.

"I can't help it, every minute I'm with you I'm smiling." I said honestly.

"As much as I'm happy you're smiling, I want to make out with you, so you're going to have to stop." George said as he kissed me again.

"Hey, you're one to talk." I said, barely taking my lips off his.

We managed to make it work this time. When Blake walked in we were still kissing.

"Oh come on, I can't even leave you alone for five minutes without you ending up on top of each other." Blake said laughing.

George flapped his arm at Blake in a 'leave me alone' manner. Blake walked over and grabbed George's arm to pull him off me but George shook him off. He grabbed him tighter this time and started pulling him off, but George wasn't giving up that easy. His lips were still on mine until he could no longer reach me. George was smiling at me beautifully. I sat up smiling back at George.

"Can you two help me get the mattress from the spare room or can you not keep your hands off each other for that long?" Blake asked.

"It'll be a bit of a challenge," I said as I slid my hands up George's back underneath his shirt. "But we can do it, can't we George?"

"I'm not so sure." George said kissing me.

Blake grabbed the back of George's shirt and pulled him off me. George made choking noises as Blake continued pulling him along. Blake and I laughed. We carried the mattress out of the spare room and into Blake's room.

"Are we getting the other mattress too?" George asked.

"Na, I figured you two would share a bed, if not you can sleep in mine." Blake replied.

"Reece is a better cuddler so.." George said.

Blake laughed. "You know what we should do?" He asked.

"What?" I asked, not taking my eyes off George.

"We should come up with our band name." Blake answered.

"Yes, we need to do that don't we." George said.

"Surely we can come up with something better then The Trees." I laughed.

We spent the next hour thinking and thinking. We finally came up with a name we liked - New Hope Club. It took a many hours, but we got there.

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