Want You Back (Part One)

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Chapter 66

A/N - Hey there, how're y'all?!  Just wanted to say thank you for all the votes and comments and for sticking with me through these billion chapters😂 It is coming to a well-overdue end soon, which is sad cause I've enjoyed writing it! I love you all❤️❤️❤️

Want You Back - 5 Seconds of Summer
"Can't help but wondering if this is the last time that I'll see your face"

(George POV)

You would think coming out to your friends and introducing them to your boyfriend would bring you closer to your boyfriend, yeah? That's what I thought at least. For the last week I've noticed Reece has been distancing himself from me. Well at least it feels like it. We haven't stayed at each other's house at all and we haven't been as intimate as we were. He usually couldn't keep his hands off me. A lot of the time when we cuddled he would get a bit handsy with me which I quite enjoyed, but we've barely even cuddled. Did I do something? Am I over exaggerating? Am I imagining things? I don't know anymore. All I know is I'm worried.

"Hello." Reece said with a cheesy smile as I walked into school. He may've been smiling, but there was something missing from it and I don't know what. Usually I can tell what he's feeling but right now it feels like I'm trying to read a book written in invisible ink, you've got to get in in the right light before anything will show.

"Hey." I said smiling back, just a little bit less enthusiastically. "How are you?" I asked, hoping he wouldn't answer with the standard 'good'.



"How are you?" He asked.

"Worried." I answered honestly.

"Like I've been telling you all week, you'll pass the science exam. We've studied hard for it." Reece reassured.

"Not about that, I'm more worried about you." I stated.

"Me? Why me?" He asked, looking genuinely confused.

Maybe I am imagining things.

"Are you really okay, Reece? You don't have to lie to me, ever." I assured.

"I know. And I'm okay." Reece said as he smiled at me. It looked like his usual smile, not a fake smile. Was it all in my head? "Let's go kick ass on this exam, yeah?"

"Yeah." I said with a little laugh as I followed him towards the classroom.

I was woken up at eight on a Saturday morning to my phone ringing. I picked it up, worried that it was Reece. I picked my phone up and saw the caller ID. It wasn't Reece, but I'm more worried than if it was Reece.

"Hey Lyndsey, everything okay?" I asked, the worry clear in my voice.

"Hi George, is Reece with you?" She asked, avoiding my question.

There was a tight knot in my stomach. "No, why? Is he okay?" I asked, becoming more worried by the second.

"He wasn't home when I woke up and he's not answering his phone. I thought he must've been with you." Lyndsey said, her voice dropping.

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