Me And My Broken Heart

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Chapter 33

A/N - I've got writers block help me😩 Don't worry, the next chapters are already written, it's the later on ones I'm struggling with. Enjoy!

Me And My Broken Heart - Rixton
"Hold me so I'm not falling apart, a little but I'm hoping it might kick start, me and my broken heart"

(Reece POV)

"Please, let me out. Someone please. Help me" I cried out.

I jumped awake, barely breathing. I can't keep doing this. I ripped the sheets off me and lied back down trying to get my breathing back to normal. I closed my eyes and instantly jumped back up. I reached for my phone and called George.

"Calling for a chat?" George said hopeful.

"At four in the morning, unfortunately not." I said breathing heavily.

"I'm already out the door." George said.

"No George, you don't have to come. I just needed to talk to you."

"I can talk and walk."

"The front door is locked and I'm not feeling well enough to get up and open it." I said honestly.

"Even more reason for me to come over."

"I don't want you walking the streets alone at this hour."

"I'm not, I've got you."

"Do you at least have a shirt this time?" I laughed.

I knew I wasn't going to talk him out of it this time.

"Shit!" George exclaimed. "Na I'm kidding, I do."

I laughed.

"There's that laugh that I love." George said.

I could hear him smiling through the phone.

"Can you tell I'm blushing?" I laughed again.

"I can practically see it." George laughed.

"Did you remember your phone and shoes?" I asked.

"Reece," George sighed. "What am I talking to you on?"

"Your phone?" I said confused.

"And what did you ask me?"

"Did you remember your- oh." I said, realising how big of an idiot I am.

"What a genius." George laughed.

"It's early, leave me alone." I laughed.

"Alright I'm here, see you in a sec." George said before hanging up.

I heard the lattice next to my window rattle. Next minute I see George's head pop through the window.

"Hey." He smiled.

"Hello." I smiled back.

"How you feeling?" He asked.

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