Like To Be You

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Chapter 68

A/N - SURPRISE BITCHES I'M BACK! I'm finally going to update regularly again! I'll be updating every Monday now😄 Also you should be proud of me, I wrote an entire chapter in one day, I haven't done that in so long. Anyway, I've made you wait long enough, I'll let you get to reading!

Like To Be You - Shawn Mendes ft. Julia Michaels
"Tell me what's inside of your head, no matter what you say I won't love you less, and I'll be lying if I said that I do, I don't know what it's like to be you"


(Reece POV)

I woke up with a throbbing headache and a sore throat from yesterday. I guess it wasn't a smart idea to stay in the pouring cold rain all day. I didn't really care if I get sick. I was hoping it would make me feel a bit better but it didn't. I was exhausted, I got maybe an hours sleep. As soon as I fell asleep last night I had a nightmare. And another, and another. In between the nightmares it took me forever to calm myself down and stop shaking, crying and hyperventilating. I got out of bed and went to my mirror. The bags under my eyes were bigger than I'd ever seen them. If there was a world record for the biggest eye bags I think I would be the record holder. I just wanted to crawl under the sheets and never come out. But I had school today so I had to go. I went and had a cold shower, not caring enough to even turn the tap to hot. I saw a razor sitting in the shower. I'd be lying if I said I had never thought about cutting. I had many times. I've never actually cut, but I've thought about it. I needed some sort of release. Release from all this pain and fear. Before it all got too much that I wouldn't be able to keep going.

I picked up the razor and fiddled with it, contemplating if I should do it. I knew I shouldn't, it was more if I would. Before I could do it I quickly put it down and turned the shower off. I didn't bother styling my hair or putting something nice on, I just threw on whatever clothes I found. I grabbed my school bag and headed downstairs, planning on skipping breakfast, but mum stopped me as I started walking towards the door.

"Reece, don't forget breakfast." Mum said.

"I'm not really hungry." I lied.

"At least an apple or some toast." She suggested.

"Alright." I sighed as I went and grabbed an apple.

I kissed her on the cheek as I left. I started eating the apple. My stomach was grateful it had food in it. As I walked through the school gates I saw Brent. I felt all my anger and emotions I had kept down rises back up again, threatening to spill over. Then I saw George. I felt everything settling slightly. I walked over to him, faking a smile.

"Hey." He said with his adorable smile that I loved.

"Hello." I said smiling, but he instantly knew something was off. He was always too good at reading me. I had only succeeded once in making him believe I was okay.

"What's wrong?" He asked, looking extremely concerned.

"I'm just not feeling well from being in the rain yesterday." I replied. I didn't lie, I just didn't say everything.

"Why don't you go home?" George asked.

"I'm sure I'll feel better soon." I smiled.

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