Make You Feel My Love

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Chapter 78

A/N - Hey hey! I remembered to update on time lol. I've put a sneak peek of the next chapter at the end of this one so make sure to check it out (after you've read this one though)!

Make You Feel My Love - Adele
"I could make you happy, make your dreams come true, nothing I wouldn't do. go to the ends of the earth for you, to make you feel my love"

(George POV)

I was taking Reece out of town for some ice-cream for our date. We stood at the train station waiting for our train to arrive, standing a small distance apart in case we ran into anyone from school. I was aching to put my arm around Reece's waist but I unfortunately couldn't do that. As the train pulled up in front of us, I grabbed Reece's wrist and pulled him over. It was only a small bit of contact, but it made the both of us smile. We walked to the back of the carriage where not so many people were around and sat down in seats next to each other. When the train started moving again, I leant my head against the window and watched the scenery go by. I was distracted for a few minutes until I heard Reece take a photo of himself. Eager to see a photo of my gorgeous boyfriend, I pushed myself away from the window and leaned over him slightly, peeking at his phone. Reece turned his phone for me to see, it wasn't a photo of him, it was a photo of me. Reece leaned over to me so that no one could hear him.

"You looked cute, I had too," Reece said, his voice low.

I blushed a little and gave him a smile. Reece went into his phone settings and set the photo as his home screen. I started to panic a little, what if someone saw? Reece noticed the subtle change in me and reassured me.

"No one will see it, I never go on my phone at school unless I know what app is open in case it's open in our messages and no one but you knows my passcode. And if someone does see it - which is near impossible - then I'll make sure no one finds out, okay?"

"Okay," I replied, letting out a sigh of relief.

The train ride was long and a little boring, but Reece and I made small conversation most the way so it wasn't too bad. Once I heard the station announcement for our stop, I grabbed Reece's wrist again and pulled him to the door so we were ready to go when they opened. Reece let me drag him along, not wanting to lose the small bit of contact. I held onto him until we had left the train station.

"So, where're we going?" Reece asked.

"We're going to the best ice-cream store in England," I answered.

"I'm supposed to be eating healthy remember?"

"Reece it's a celebratory ice-cream. Celebrations aren't supposed to be healthy." I explained.

Reece sighed but agreed anyway. The walk to the ice-cream store was short which I was grateful for, I really love my ice-cream. I used to come here all the time when I was young and my cousins lived here, it will forever be my favourite place to go to. We walked in and I heard the all familiar sound of the bell ringing. Nothing had changed about this place in almost seven years. Reece and I walked over near the counter and looked at the menu. I had already decided on honeycomb ice-cream in a chocolate waffle cone before we had even gotten on the train, that's all I ever ordered as a kid. Reece starred thoughtfully at the board for a few minutes before deciding. They had all kinds of flavours here, from vanilla to bacon.

"I'll have cookie dough." Reece grinned.

"What cone would you like?" I asked.

"You can get different cones?" Reece questioned with an adorable look of confusion on his face.

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