Never Be Alone

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Chapter 8

A/N - Yo wassup! Sorry I took so long to update, I had zero idea as to what to name this chapter. This is a very uneventful chapter, so sorry in advance.

Never Be Alone - Shawn Mendes
"You'll never be alone"

(Reece POV)

I woke up to my alarm going off loudly. I groaned. I wasn't happy about being woken up. I was dreaming about George and his blue eyes. I rolled over and turned my alarm off and checked the time.

"Shit!" I said jumping out of bed. I'd slept through my first alarm.

If I hurry up I'll still have time to talk to my parents. I grabbed a shirt and went to throw is on before realising I would see George today so I better put a bit of thought into what I was wearing. I grabbed my white button up shirt with black stripes and the letters N Y overlapped on the left side and put that on, I looked pretty good in that shirt I had to admit. I tucked it into a pair of black ripped skinny jeans. I got down the stairs and into the kitchen in record time, I still had a pep in my step from last night. I grabbed a piece of fruit from the basket on the bench and sat down at the table with mum.

"Morning. Is dad home?" I asked.

"Yes, he's just upstairs getting dressed." She said as dad appeared at the bottom of the stairs.

"Morning dad. Do you have time to talk? I need to tell you something."

"You're not in trouble again are you Reece?" He said, looking disappointed in me.

I hated this look. I knew it all too well. Maybe I couldn't do it.

"Jamie. He just wants to talk, give the boy a break." My mum said to him.

"Sorry son." Dad said sitting down. "Yeah I've got time. What's up?"

"I wanted to explain what happened, why I got kicked out. The full story. But first I want to apologise. I'm sorry for shutting down and not talking to you. I should've, maybe we wouldn't be in this mess. And I'm also sorry for putting you through all of this. And also for how I treated you. You were only trying to help. You deserved better."

I'm not sure if I can continue, this is harder then I thought it would be.

"When you're ready Reece." Mum said grabbing my hand.

I pictured George holding my hand on the hill, encouraging me to continue, understanding and still wanting to get to know me. I can do this. I can do it for George. I started telling them everything. It was hard, I stopped at times, but I kept thinking of George, he kept me going.

"I should've told you, but I felt weak and alone," I started.

"Reece, you're never alone, okay? Dad and I will always be here." Mum interrupted.

"I know that now. I felt like I couldn't handle it myself. That's why I turned to violence. It made me feel strong. I was angry and it let out that anger. So that's why I did it. I realise now more than ever how wrong it was. I knew at the time, but I couldn't stop, I had no control of my emotions or body. And I didn't think of the consequences. I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything." I said, my cheeks wet with tears.

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